1. SOLD Two nudes standing . Signed with stamp device lower right and dated (19)32 , sanguine on paper, 21x13 inches. Exhibited: Memorial Exhibition of Alexandre Iacovleff, Grand Central Art Galleries, New York City, 11.04 – 29.04 1939, #139, page 25 of the catalog (inscribed with the number 139 on the back). Provenance: ASEV gallery Boston #11613 (label on the back – est. 1841);Doyle, New York, Dec 15 2004, lot 2075
2. Deux projets de décor pour Sémiramis, vers 1933/34 A)- Le tombeau de Ninos (Acte III).
Gouache sur carton.30,4 x 40 cm B)- Roi assyrien, étude. Gouache sur carton. 26,6 x 41,5 cm
Ces deux projets font partie des décors exécutés par Iacovleff pour le «mélodrame en trois actes et deux interludes» Sémiramis de Paul Valérie/Arthur Honegger, dont la première représentation eut lieu le 11 mai 1934 Signed with the artist's oriental stamp low right. Provenance Ader sale 22.06.2015 lot 54.
[Theatrical works by Iacovleff are pretty rare - only two other decors by him (for the same melodrame Semiramis) are known]
3. Campement en Mongolie [Mongolian Camp], watercolor on paper 20.5 x 34 cm (8 x 13 3/8 in.)
signed lower left Provenance: Collection of Joseph Kessel, France
4.SOLD (In co-authorship with V.SHUKHAEV ) Study for plafond in Firsanov's villa, Prechistenka , Moscow. Inscribed and dated 1915 on reverse. Charcoal on paper. 18 x 41". Bibliography: “A Time to Gather… Russian Art From Foreign Private collections”, State Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg, Palace Editions,2008, illustrated on p.23.
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