Price Database
19 January 2025
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P & – Pac
Pad – Paf
Päf – Pag
Pąg – Pai
Päi – Pal
Pál – Pal
Pál – Pan
Pao – Pap
Paq – Par
Pár – Par
Pär – Par
Pas – Pas
Pás – Pat
Păt – Pat
PÁT – Pau
Pău – Pav
Paw – Pay
Paz – Pea
Peb – Ped
Péd – Pee
Pef – Pei
Pej – Pel
Pem – Pèn
Pene – Peni
Pén – Pen
Peñ – Per
Pèr – Per
Pér – Per
Pére – Pero
Péro – Pers
Pér – PÉR
Per – Pes
Peš – Pet
Pét – Pet
Pétr – Petr
Pétr – Petu
Pét – Pey
PEZ – Pfe
PFI – Phe
Phé – Phi
Phl – Pia
Pią – Pic
Pid – Pie
Pię – Pig
Pih – Pil
Pim – Pin
Piñ – Pin
Piñ – Pio
Pió – Pir
Pîr – Pit
Piu – Pla
Plá – Pla
Plá – Ple
Pli – Plü
Plu – Poc
Po- – Poe
Poë – Pöh
Poh – Poi
Poï – Pol
Pół – Pol
Pöl – Pom
PonA – Ponz
Poo – Pop
Pöp – Por
Pôr – Pos
Pot – Pott
Pöt – Pou
Pov – Pow
Poy – Pra
Præ – Pra
Prä – Pre
Pré – Pre
Pré – Pri
Pří – Pri
Prí – Pri
Prn – Pro
Prö – Pru
Prü – Psa
Psc – Pu
PuF – Pug
Puh – Pul
Pum – Pur
Pus – Püt
Put – Pym
Pyn – Pzn
Discover Artists
Poo Chee
(Chinese, XIX)
Kok Poo
(Indonesian, 1938)
Fritz Poock
Jean Adolphe Guerrero Pood
(Malaysian, 1979)
Joe Poodlat
(Inuit, 1951)
Graham Pook
Marion Louise Pooke
(American, 1883–1975)
(French, established 2010)
Juriaen Pool the Younger
(Dutch, born circa 1665–1745)
Gabrielle Pool
(New Zealand, 1976)
Joshua Pool
Kenneth Pool
(American, 1912–2000)
Louis van der Pool
Matthys Pool
Poole Pottery
Poole Silver (Co.)
A. Poole
Abram Poole
(American, 1883–1920)
Bert Poole
(American, 1853–1939)
Bryan Poole
Burnell Poole
(American, 1884–1933)
Chris Poole
Christopher Poole
Cynthia Poole
Dan Poole
(American, 1941)
David Poole
E.A. Poole
(American, 1882–1920)
Earl Lincoln Poole
(American, 1891–1972)
Eugene Alonzo Poole
(American, 1841–1912)
Frederic Victor Poole
(American, 1865–1936)
Gail Poole
George Poole
Gregory Poole
Henry Poole
Horatio Nelson Poole
(American, 1884–1949)
J. Poole
James Poole
(British, 1804–1886)
John Faulkner Poole
Jonathan Poole
(British, 1947)
Laurence Poole
(British, 1963)
Leslie Donald Poole
(Canadian, 1942)
Mark Poole
(American, 1963)
Martin A. Poole
Monica Poole
(British, 1921–2003)
Nelson Poole
(American, 1884–1949)
Nora Poole
Paul Falconer Poole
(British, 1807–1879)
Richard Poole
Sam Le Poole
Samuel Poole
Tanya Poole
(South African, 1971)
Thomas R. Poole
Vincent Poole
(British, 1960)
W. J. Poole
Wally Poole
Walter G. Poole
(British, 1916–1989)
Wayne Poole
William Poole
Leslie Robert Poole-Smith
Christiane Pooley
(Chilean, 1983)
Emil Pooley
Katharine Pooley
Sarah Pooley
Simon Pooley
(British, 1955)
Thomas Pooley
Vanessa Pooley
(British, 1958)
Jim Poolman
(British, XX-XXI)
Silawit Poolsawat
Anthony Poon
(Singaporean, 1945–2006)
Bonny Poon
(Canadian, 1987)
Jennifer Poon
Vivian Poon
(Chinese, 1982)
Larry Poons
(American, 1937)
Anne Poor
(American, 1887–1970)
C.F. Poor
Frank Poor
Henry Varnum Poor
(American, 1888–1970)
Jonathan D. Poor
(American, 1807–1845)
Kim Poor
Nigel Poor
(American, 1963)
Shirley Poor
Henry Rankin Poore
(American, 1859–1940)
Albert Jacob van der Poort
(Dutch, 1771–1807)
Charles Verlat and Hendrick Josef Franciscus van der Poorten
Hendrik Josef Franciscus van der Poorten
(Belgian, 1789–1874)
Henry van der Poorten
(active circa 1940)
Jacobus Johannes van Poorten
(German, 1841–1914)
Karl August Poorten
(Russian, born after 1817–died after 1880)
Jan Poortenaar
(Dutch, 1886–1958)
Bastiaan de Poorter
(Dutch, 1813–1880)
H. de Poorter
Jean Antoine de Poorter
(Flemish, 1703)
Willem de Poorter
(Dutch, 1608–died circa 1660)
Rien Poortvliet
(Dutch, 1932–1995)
Max von Poosch
(Austrian, 1872–1968)
Adolphe Poot
Rik Poot
(Belgian, 1924)
Rynold Poot
Bernard de Pooter
(Belgian, 1883)
Frans de Pooter
(Belgian, 1898–1987)
J. de Pooter
Johann Hendrick de Pooter
(Dutch, XVII)
Jos de Pooter
(Belgian, 1867)
Johann H. Pootjes
(Dutch, 1882–1944)
Pootoogook Jaw
Adamie Aupalurta (Putugu) Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1934)
Annie Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1969–2016)
Cee Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1967)
Eegyvudluk Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1931)
Elijah Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1943)
Itee Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1951–2014)
Josephie Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1887–1958)
Kananginak Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1935–2010)
Kingwatsiak Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1936)
Napatchie Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1938–2002)
Nineokaluk Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1889–1962)
Paulassie Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1927)
Pudlat Pootoogook
Salamonie Pootoogook
See Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1967)
Sharni Pootoogook
(Inuit, 1922)
Shouyu Pootoogook
Harvey Pootoogooluk
(American, 1928)
Pop Mart
Pop Wonder
Pop Zhao
Ion Pop
Iosif Pop
Jay Pop
Maria Pop
Vasile Pop
Cornelia Popa
Eugen Popa
(Romanian, 1919–1997)
Ghica Popa
(Romanian, 1978)
Laurian Constantin Popa
(Romanian, 1980)
Nicolae Popa
(Romanian, 1901–1962)
Nicolaï Popa
(Romanian, 1901)
Valentin Popa
(Romanian, 1940–2010)
Vasile Popa
Virgil Popa
(Romanian, 1917–2003)
Paraschiva Popa-Frunza
Lucian Popaila
(Romanian, 1991)
Aldin Popaja
(Bosnian, 1971)
Rose Popay
L. Pöpcke
Josef Popczyk
(Polish, 1890–1971)
Ioan Popdan
(Romanian, 1974)
Robert Pope III
(American, 1964)
Carl Robert Pope Jr.
Samuel Pope Jr.
(Scottish, born after–died after)
William Pope.L
(American, 1955–2023)
Arthur Pope
Bly Pope
(American, 1980)
C. Pope
Carl Pope
(American, 1961)
Cheryl Pope
(American, 1980)
Christian D. Pope
(Romanian, 1982)
Clara Maria Pope
(British, 1750–1838)
Edith L. Pope
Francis C. Pope
(British, active circa 1880–1925)
Frank Cheyne Pope
Frank L. Pope
Gustav Pope
(British, 1831–1910)
Henry Pope
Hilda Chancellor Pope
(British, 1913–1976)
Jeanie Pope
John Pope
(American, 1820–1881)
Kerig Pope
(American, 1935)
Mary Ann Pope
(American, 1932)
Nicholas Pope
(Australian, 1949)
Paul Pope
Perpetua Pope
(Scottish, 1916–2013)
Robert Pope
Ronald Pope
(British, 1920–1997)
Sara Pope
(British, 1973)
Sara Foster Pope
(American, 1880)
Terry Pope
(British, 1941)
Thomas Pope
(British, ?–1775)
Thomas Benjamin Pope
(American, ?–1891)
Tom Pope
(British, 1986)
William Pope
(British/Canadian, 1811–1902)
Yusuke Hanai and Russ Pope
Alexander Pope
(American, 1849–1924)
Alexander Pope
(British, 1763–1835)
Elena Popea
(Romanian, 1879–1941)
Jeanette Pope-Ellis
Cindy Jo Popejoy
Jan Popelick
(Polish, 1832–1906)
Charles Popelier
Claude Popelin
Gustave (Léon Antoine Marie) Popelin
(French, 1859)
Claudius Marcel Popelin-Ducarre
(French, 1825–1892)
Jeremy Popelka
(American, 1960)
Vojtech Hynek Popelka
(Czech, 1888–died circa 1961)
Jan Popels
Ludmila Borissovna Popenko
(Russian, 1955)
Lusia Popenko
(Russian, 1955)
Nancy Popense
Stefan Popesco
Tiphaine Popesco
Beniamin Popescu
(Romanian, 1989)
Cicerone Popescu
(Romanian, 1908–1988)
Constantin Isachie Popescu
(Romanian, 1888–1967)
Gabriel Popescu
(Romanian, 1866–1937)
Gheorghe Popescu
Ghita Popescu
Ion Popescu
(Romanian, 1947)
Ioan Cristian Popescu
Justina Popescu
Mihai Popescu
(Romanian, XX)
Mircea Popescu
(Romanian, 1985)
Nicolae Popescu
Serban Popescu
(Romanian, 1957)
Stefan Popescu
(Romanian, 1872–1948)
Vasile Popescu
(Romanian, 1894–1944)
Viora Popescu
Stelian Popescu-Ghimpati
(Romanian, 1906–1950)
Angelo Popesso
Thomas Pope-Stevens
Yves Popet
(French, 1946)
Amanda Popham
Caroline Popham
(British, 1971)
James Kidwell Popham
(British, 1884)
M. Popham
William J. Popham
Jean-Pierre Pophillat
(French, 1937)
Andrzej Popiak
(Polish, 1949)
David Popiashvili
(Georgian, 1969)
Jovana Popic
(Croatian, 1977)
Antoni Popiel
(Polish, 1965–1910)
Tadesz Popiel
(Polish, 1863–1913)
Witold Popiel
Wlodzimierz Popiel
(Polish, XIX-XX 1878–1909)
Kinga Popiela
(Polish, 1991)
Jerzy Popielak
Wladyslaw Popielarczyk
(Polish, 1925–1987)
Jean-Jacques Popille
Francois Emile Popineau
Irena Popiolek
Richard Popitti
(English, 1953)
Alexander Popivanov
Johnny Popkess
Viktor Y. Popkov
(Russian, 1932–1974)
Rudolf Popl
(Austrian, 1861)
Alex Poplaski
(American, 1906–1988)
Peter Poplaski
Mikhail Poplavski
(Russian, 1914–died circa 1980)
Alexandre de Poplavsky
(French, 1991)
Georgi Poplavsky
Lyudvig Lyudvigovich Poplavsky
(Russian, 1852–1885)
M. Poplavsky
Stanislaw Poplawski
Stefan Popławski
(Polish, 1885–1956)
Witold Popławski
(Polish, 1922–2017)
Rodney Pople
(Australian, 1952)
Abigail Poplin
Clément Poplineau
B.A Popo
Lamberto Popoca
(Mexican, 1965)
Popof (Alexandre Paounov)
(French, XX)
Artof Popof
(Russian, 1975)
Alexander Popoff
(Russian, 1959)
Georges Popoff
Gorazd Poposki
(Macedonian, 1967)
Arno Popotnig
(Russian, 1955)
Popov and Gardner Porcelain Factories (Co.)
Popov Factory
A. Popov
Aleksander Pavlovich Popov
(Russian, XIX)
Aleksei Popov
(Ukrainian, 1916–1988)
Alexander Nikolaevich Popov
(Russian, 1959)
Alexandr Popov
Alexandr Popov
(Russian, 1852)
Alexei Nikolaevich Popov
(Russian, 1858–1917)
Andrei Popov
(Russian, 1957)
Andrei Andreevich Popov
(Russian, 1832–1896)
Boris Nikanorovich Popov
(Russian, 1909–2001)
Constantine Popov
(Russian, 1965)
Emil Popov
(Bulgarian, 1951)
Igor Popov
(Russian, 1927–1999)
Ivan Popov
(Russian, 1927)
John Popov
Juri Popov
(Russian, 1954)
Konstantin Popov
(Russian, 1897–1952)
Lukian Vasilievich Popov
(Russian, 1873–1914)
Mikhail Mikhailovich Popov
(Russian, 1860)
Naja Utzon Popov
Nikolai Popov
Rinovi Popov
(Russian, XX)
Sergei Popov
Serhiy Popov
Valentin Popov
(Ukrainian, 1956)
Valeri Popov
(Russian, 1952)
Valery Vasilievich Popov
(Russian, 1908–1991)
Veniamin Nikolaevich Popov
(Russian, 1869–1945)
Victor Popov
(Russian, 1952)
Vladimir Popov
(Russian, 1946)
Zinovi Efimovich Popov
Anna Popova
Ekaterina Popova
(American, 1988)
Elena Popova
Lyubov Popova
(Russian, 1889–1924)
Silvia Popova
(Bulgarian, 1986)
Viktoria Popova
(Russian, born after 1965)
Yelena Popova
(Russian, 1978)
Zoya Guryevna Popova
(Russian, 1915)
M Popovi
Aleksandar Popovic
Atanasije Popovic
(Romanian, 1885–1948)
Dimitrije Popovic
(Croatian/Montenegrin, 1951)
Heidi Popovic
Mica Popovic
Micho Popovic
Viktor Popović
(Croatian, 1977)
Vladimír Popovič
(Slovakian, 1939)
Milosh Popovich
Adrian Popovici
(Romanian, 1943–2009)
Constantin Popovici
(Romanian, 1938–1995)
Cristina Popovici
(Romanian, 1969)
Gheorghe Popovici
Ion Grigore Popovici
(Romanian, 1907–1946)
Matei Popovici
Petru Popovici
Miomir Popovitch
Zoltan Popovits
Volodia Popov-Massiaguine
(Russian, 1961)
Nikolai Popow
Liubow Sergejewna Popowa
(Russian, 1889–1924)
Waclaw Popowski
(Polish, 1909)
Stefan Popowski
(Polish, 1870–1937)
Aurel Popp Ludosanu
Alexandru Popp
(Romanian, 1868–1949)
Barbara Elisabeth (Babette) Popp
(German, 1802–1870)
Horia Popp
J.G. Popp
Johann Baptist Popp
Jon Popp
(German, 1862–1953)
Julius Popp
(German, 1973)
Max Popp
Misu Popp
(Romanian, 1827–1892)
Oscar Popp
(German, 1875)
Sabin I. Popp
(Romanian, 1896–1928)
Stefanie Popp
(German, 1974)
Theodora Cernat Popp
(Romanian, 1897–1980)
Thomas Popp
(Swiss, 1966)
Walter Popp
Fedor Poppe
(German, 1850)
François Poppe
Georg Poppe
(German, 1883–1963)
Gustav Poppe
(Czech, 1829–1858)
Helmuth Poppe
Johann Poppe
(German, 1837–1915)
Martine Poppe
(Norwegian, 1988)
Michel Jean Poppe
Johann Gabriel Friedrich Poppel
(German, 1807–1882)
Peter van Poppel
(Dutch, 1945)
René van Poppel
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