Rafael Zarza (Cuban, born )


Rafael Zarza (1944) is one of the artists who addresses, within the Cuban artistic movement that emerged immediately after 1959 (the Cuban Revolution), the reality that surrounds him with more strongly and in a raw way. His paintings, objects and collages are, many of them unknown, because most of them have never been showed publicly. From very early, already in the 60's, he began to be censored, more than any particular art piece, it was his subjects that were rejected by the authorities. Over time, he decided not to insist much more and started to practice self-censorship. He began to create for himself. Zarza is also an excellent engraver, in the Taller de la Gráfica of La Catedral de La Habana for many decades ago he produce the subjects that are allowed, the others, those that are uncomfortable, he paints them inside his home and there they have been, accumulating for many years, they somehow remain "hidden", waiting to be discovered by the public. Zarza has been that kind of artist, very rare today, completely seduced by his passion, intransigent with his work to the point of sacrificing the benefits of success to maintain his idea of ​​art and its ability to denouncing. For him, art must be useful, or it is not.