Artist: Robert Indiana (American, 1928-2018)
Title: "Decade: Autoportrait 1969"
Portfolio: The American Dream
*Issued unsigned
Year: 1997
Medium: Original Screenprint on Coventry paper
Limited edition: 395, (there were also 30 artist's proofs)
Printer: Marco Fine Arts Contemporary Atelier, El Segundo, CA
Publisher: Marco Fine Arts Contemporary Atelier, El Segundo, CA
Sheet size: 22" x 17"
Image size: 14" x 14"
Condition: Some minor scuffing. In excellent condition
Provenance: private collection - Düsseldorf, Germany. Comes from Indiana's 1997 "The American Dream" book portfolio of thirty screenprints. Printed in two colors: yellow and black. Text on verso of the following work as issued.
Robert Indiana's 1997 black leather-covered book portfolio "The American Dream" was printed and published with 30 screenprints: 6 loose each signed and numbered and 24 bound not signed and numbered, as issued. Forward by Susan Ryan, text by Michael McKenzie and poems by Robert Creeley. The book was issued within a white cardboard packing box with red and black lettering.
The image is based off Indiana's 1982 screenprint edition "Decade: Autoportrait 1969, V/H", (Sheehan No. 124, page 70), which is related to his 1980 "Decade: Autoportaits, Vinalhaven Suite" series, (Sheehan No. 114-123, page 66-69). It is also related to his 1977, 72" x 72", oil on canvas painting entitled "Decade: Autoportrait 1969". Here the familiar Indiana icons and forms leap out at you: the star, the altered circle, the numbers, the block lettering, lettered name of the artist. The self-portrait documents the artist's move from the Bowery (note the arrow directs us to 'leave' Skid Row) to Vinalhaven, Maine an island of granite in the Penobscot Bay.