“Andy Warhol” by Stikki Peaches, a Contemporary Graffiti artist known for his vibrant multilayered compositions featuring wheat-pasted celebrity figures adorned in punk iconography. Rendered in his instantly recognizable style, the iconic Pop Art pioneer is drawn on, colored in, and pasted over with handwritten text, symbols, and ephemera. Part of Stikki Peaches immense new body of work Embrace the Chaos, the piece perfectly embodies the collection’s titular invitation, and fulfills the artist’s self proclaimed search for “beautifully controlled chaos.” Brimming with gesture, expression, texture, and fragments of visual and intellectual fodder, the piece feels at once visceral and highly self-aware. Measuring 60 inches tall by 48 inches wide, the unique canvas piece includes the artist’s signature.
To see more of Stikki Peaches’ work at Taglialatella Galleries, visit: https://www.taglialatellagalleries.com/artists/stikki-peaches
The anonymous Montreal artist Stikki Peaches is best known for the tagline “What if Art Ruled the World,” woven throughout his celebrity mash-up wheat pastes. Since his 2008 debut on the streets of Montreal, Stikki Peaches’ work has taken over the bustling urban landscapes of Paris, New York, Toronto, Los Angeles, Berlin, Stockholm and London. Using a variety of media including collage, acrylic paint, and silkscreen, Stikki Peaches’ work occupies a liminal space between the street and the gallery. The anonymous street artist is strongly influenced by pop culture references and lowbrow street culture. He is constantly creating art that can be thought of as “beautifully controlled chaos,” combining images of classic films, celebrities, and musical icons into hybrid characters. Stikki Peaches had his first international solo show in 2012 in New York. Since then he has participated in the Scope Art Show NYC, Art Basel Miami and Urvanity Art Fair in Madrid, Spain.