Tancredi *
(Feltre/Belluno 1927–1964 Rom)
Untitled (Fiori dipinti da me e da altri al 101 % n.2), 1962, signed on the label on the reverse, mixed media, collage and fabric laid on canvas, 130 x 97 cm, in plexiglass case
Galleria dell’Ariete, Milan (label on the reverse)
Galleria Matteo Lampertico, Milan
European Private Collection
Venice, Galleria Il Canale, Tancredi, 25 June – 5 July 1962
Ferrara, Tancredi, Galleria Civica di Arte Moderna. Palazzo dei Diamanti, 1981–1982, exh. cat. no. 103 with ill.
Milan, Tancredi, Brerarte, 3 – 20 November 1983, exh. cat. no. 56 with ill.
Bologna, Facezie, Matti, Fiori, Galleria Comunale di Arte Moderna,
16 May – 5 July 1992, exh. cat. p. 115, no. 99 with ill.
Venice, Tancredi una retrospettiva, Collezione Peggy Guggenheim,
12 November 2016 - 13 March 2017, exh. cat. pp. 228–229 with ill. (label on the reverse)
M. Dalai Emiliani, Tancredi. I dipinti e gli scritti, Allemandi Turin 1996, vol. 1, p. 294, vol. 2, no. 1094 with ill.
Dated 1962, Fiori dipinti da me e da altri al 101%, ( flowers painted by me and by others at 101%) is the last series of works that Tancredi exhibited in a solo show before his death. Having become aware of his human and social alienation, the artist through these artworks criticized the art market’s cynicism. In an interview by Beppe Morucchio, Tancredi claimed that he had finally “exploded” and that this series of works were “the new pilasters that connect me to my past encompassing everything together. They comprise Rothko, Miller, Rauschenberg and the young Russian poet Yevtushenko (..) they embrace the Chinese tradition, the Persian, Greek, Egyptian, Islamic, Italian and French traditions”
Tancredi had recently started using the collage technique, summoning up not only Rauschenberg’s Combine paintings seen in 1961 at the Galleria dell’ Ariete in Milan, but also the Dada technique. On a vast and explosive painted surface depicting flowers he applied cut out paper images, photographs and plastic flowers, that led to a vibrant chromatic composition. Tancredi was enthusiastic of these works and the energy they transmitted.