Gallery FIFTY ONE, a beacon in the world of photographic arts, is delighted to announce its 25th- anniversary year with an upcoming exhibition titled "Street Chronicles," showcasing a diverse range of groundbreaking street photography. The exhibition will open on Saturday, February 24th."Street Chronicles" in Gallery FIFTY ONE brings together an extraordinary collection of works by some of the most influential street photographers of our time, including Harry Gruyaert, Daido Moriyama, William Klein, Helen Levitt, Ray K. Metzker, Saul Leiter, and many more. This exhibition is a narrative journey through the lens of street photography. What the works have in common is that they all depict slices of life in a city. You see people waiting, going somewhere, and you wonder where they are headed and what they are doing. These images capture the universality of urban life.The raw energy and candid moments captured in 'Street Chronicles' are a testament to the enduring power of street photography. Our 25th anniversary is the perfect occasion to celebrate this dynamic art form that has been an integral part of our gallery’s journey.Since its inception in 1999, Gallery FIFTY ONE has been at the forefront of showcasing contemporary photography, including street photography. The gallery has been instrumental in bringing to light the works of emerging photographers alongside established masters.
Visitors to "Street Chronicles" can expect to be transported into the everyday yet extraordinary moments of life on the streets, captured in diverse styles and perspectives."We are immensely proud to have reached this milestone. It’s an honour to have been a part of the evolving world of photography and to continue to provide a platform for exceptional photographers." — Roger Szmulewicz (founder of Gallery FIFTY ONE)FIFTY ONE TOO is proud to present a striking exhibition showcasing the legendary work of Jack Garofalo, a renowned photographer whose Harlem series for Paris Match in the 1970s captured the essence of one of New York City’s most vibrant neighbourhoods during a transformative era.
Shown for the first time in a gallery worldwide, the exhibition brings together a selection of colour and black-and-white photographs of Garofalo's most evocative images, offering viewers a unique glimpse into the heart and soul of Harlem as well as the Bronx.From intimate portraits to vibrant street scenes, each photograph tells a story, offering a window into a world that, while geographically specific, speaks to universal themes of community, identity, and belonging.For this event, we had the honour of working with Paris Match, who offered us the unique opportunity to go through their photographic archive to access this exclusive body of work.About Jack Garofalo:
Jack Garofalo (1923-2004), a French photographer, was a prominent figure in 20th-century photojournalism. Known for his compassionate approach to subjects, Garofalo’s work with Paris Match magazine took him around the world, where he adeptly captured moments of historical significance and everyday life with equal skill and sensitivity.