On the occasion of International Women's Day, the exhibition "From Darkness to Light: Inspire Inclusion" is a loud, almost provocative artistic outcry by Alexandra Kordas against violence against women and children and the cruel consequences in order to express her disgust towards sexual violence or any violence .
But the works are also a creative journey from sadness to joy: with her own artistic perspective and form of expression, Alexandra Kordas visualizes violence, rape, exclusion, pain, but also the light on the horizon, joy and more. The artist wants to point out the grievances that many women face, to wake them up and to bring what is hidden into the light. In the conflict between the poles, pain meets joy, death meets life and sensuality meets transience.
Kordas takes up the baroque vanitas motif – between the greed for life and the certainty of death. The symbol of the cross runs strikingly like a signature through her contemporary, sometimes provocative works. The expressive works play with light and colors, they literally bubble over: they shine in the light, bathe in strong colors or step into the darkness in a variety of “shades of gray” or sometimes blur completely.
The inspiration for her artwork comes mainly directly from the depths of her soul, which is inspired by her own experiences but also by current spiritual, intellectual, social and political influences in our world.