Group Exhibit

Group Exhibit

521 West 26th Street 1st FloorNew York, NY 10001, USA Wednesday, August 19, 2020–Saturday, September 19, 2020

Works on paper by Frank Stella, Joan Snyder, James Rosenquist, Beverly Pepper, John Newman, Richard Smith & Joe Tilson. 

untitled by john newman

John Newman

Untitled, 1985


untitled by beverly pepper

Beverly Pepper

Untitled, 1970

3,500 USD

coup de theatre by richard smith

Richard Smith

Coup de Theatre, 1985

2,000 USD

mysterious bird of ulieta by frank stella

Frank Stella

Mysterious Bird of Ulieta, 1977

Price on Request

"hephaistos" by joe tilson

Joe Tilson

"Hephaistos", 1989

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Works on paper by Frank Stella, Joan Snyder, James Rosenquist, Beverly Pepper, John Newman, Richard Smith & Joe Tilson.