Saint Louis
Near O #2, 2013
5,000 USD
Atrium announces an upcoming exhibition of new paintings by California artist James Kuiper. "Flow" opens January 24 and runs through March 15. These semi-abstract works reflect a changing environment and call our attention to the fragility and harmony of the natural world--its extreme beauty and delicacy. Kuiper takes note of the incongruity of recognizing this and reconciling it with our current path of life. Appreciation and awe are strong elements, but we persist in our current mode, lamenting the impact, but unable to mitigate the consequences. He depicts his impressions of the wilderness encountered in the California surroundings and infuses the images with an air of romance, nostalgia, regret, and hope. These works are meant to call viewers out of complacency and to focus on the reality of a vanishing wilderness.
Kuiper, originally a midwesterner from Michigan, has lived and worked in a number of diverse regions from Alaska to Texas and now in California where he is Professor of Art at California State University, Chico. He exhibits internationally, particularly in Spain and Brazil, and nationally, primarily on the West Coast. This is his fourth solo exhibition at the Atrium Gallery. For information and images, please contact the gallery.