

3850 N Miami Avenue Miami, FL, USA Tuesday, September 18, 2012–Monday, December 31, 2012

AVANT GALLERY LAUNCHES INNOVATIVE “ARTELEPORT” VIRTUAL SHOPPING PROGRAM, DELIVERING CONTEMPORARY COLLECTIBLES RIGHT TO COLLECTORS’ iPHONE 5s, iPADS OR DESKTOPS A “World’s First” Shopping Experience, Inspired by Apple’s New “Facetime over cellular” Feature in iPhone 5, ARTELEPORT Connects Busy “On The Go” Collectors with Avant Gallery’s iPad-equipped Art Consultants at Two South Florida Locations

Avant Gallery, Miami’s preeminent contemporary art, design & furnishings collectibles retailer, announces the launch of ARTELEPORT, a one-of-a-kind interactive shopping experience which virtually immerses collectors across the world into Avant Gallery showrooms. This new, technology-driven way to connect art and clients launches Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at both Avant Gallery outposts: the Aventura Mall popup location, and the company’s Miami Beach flagship store. To Avant Gallery’s knowledge, this program is a “World’s First”.

Highly engaging and fun, here’s how ARTELEPORT works: Facilitated by consumer video platforms such as Apple’s Facetime, Google Hangouts, Skype and Facebook video chat, off-site clients can call either Avant Gallery showroom (iPhone 5), request that gallery’s username (Skype) or make a future appointment (Hangouts, Facebook Chat) to view Avant Gallery’s entire collection. Once the connection is established, art consultants walk the gallery using iPads, interacting personally with clients via the front-facing camera, while the client sees and hears not only the consultant, but explores entire collections or individual objects of interest. Clients can instruct the consultant to zoom in or view panoramic 360° angles of particular pieces to see greater detail, or to speak at length about the artist’s career, body of work, likelihood of value appreciation, materials, pricing and shipping costs. Respectively, clients physically present at either of Avant Gallery’s Aventura or South Beach showrooms can also use iPads to virtually shop the other location; for example, Aventura Mall clients need not drive to Miami Beach to view, learn about and acquire art at that more expansive 5,000 sq ft showroom.

Says Company proprietor Dmitry Prut, “As we prepare for Avant Gallery’s ambitious Art Basel Miami Beach exhibition in December, we’re already booking appointments for clients all over the world who will be able to virtually teleport to experience our new collection, even before the doors of the gallery officially open to the public.” Mr. Prut says further “With Apple’s announcement of the iPhone 5’s Facetime capabilities of connecting people over cellular networks, plus Google’s announcement of its Glass video eyewear, Avant Gallery’s ability to connect with clients over mobile will grow exponentially in coming months. This really is a whole new way to shop.”

ABOUT US Avant Gallery offers an evolving collection of contemporary art and design, ranging from paintings, photography, investment-quality furniture accent and design pieces, lighting, sculpture and other unique collectibles. The gallery represents, promotes and showcases world-renowned, mid-career, as well as emerging talent from the disciplines of art, design, and passionate manufacturing. Avant Gallery's mission is to inspire its clients, to electrify their spirits, and to let their personalities illuminate through forward-thinking art and cutting-edge lifestyle design. Avant’s clientele ranges from private collectors and consumers, to interior designers and decorators, to architects and high-end developers.

ARTELEPORT appointment inquiries can be made via telephone or email:

Avant Gallery
1.877.99AVANT toll-free
+1 305 573 8873 international telephone
[email protected]