

20 Hudson Yards New York, NY 10001, USA Thursday, March 5, 2020–Sunday, April 19, 2020 Opening Reception: Thursday, March 5, 2020, 6 p.m.–9 a.m.

Avant Gallery presents Interpretation, the gallery’s fifth New York exhibition and the American solo premiere with master painter Florian Eymann, on view from March 4 through April 19, 2020.  

Florian Eymann: Interpretation  March 5 - April 19, 2020Opening Reception: Thursday, March 5, 6-9pm  Avant Gallery, 20 Hudson Yards, First Level, New York, NY 10001    

NEW YORK, February 24, 2020 – Avant Gallery is excited to announce Interpretation, the gallery’s fifth New York exhibition and the American solo premiere with master painter Florian Eymann, on view from March 4 through April 19, 2020. Unveiling a new body of paintings at the gallery’s Hudson Yards location, the exhibition will be preceded by an artist’s reception the evening of Thursday, March 5th, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.    

The deadly kiss of fuel and oxidant is the pivotal moment of combustion. Imploding and exploding at once, Florian Eymann’s paintings exist within this transcendent moment of violence. Matter is suspended in a cannonade of hard-edged geometry, abstraction, as well as keenly applied figurative realism. Frantic, raw brushstrokes, like the reflective shards of a thousand broken mirrors, dissolve into sumptuous, inky voids. Eymann’s work exhumes the crypts of the canon, with both studied and irreverent homages to the likes of Lucian Freud or Gustav Klimt. Édouard Manet’s “The Fifer” lingers on the verge of recognizable through a composition in which both horizon and figure run amok, disembodied limbs scattered across a battlefield, askew. Francis Bacon’s own 1973 self-portrait is duly dissected, the former’s cubist influences reduced to swathes of color. The suite of still lifes glisten through the thick impasto, accumulations of fragments coaxing premonitions of memento mori.    

In the past, Eymann has dwelled in the caves of the existential, probing the dark recesses of the psyche. This most recent body of work deconstructs the mind and spirit of the very medium of painting itself, trading pretension for the carnal. Like Bacon painting on the raw underside of another work, or the serpent, Ouroboros, devouring its own tail in perpetuity, here Eymann offers, perhaps, another interpretation.    

Florian Eymann, (b. 1980, Auxerre, France) lives and works in Orléans, France. Solo shows include those held at Schwab Beaubourg (Paris), Rembrandt Gallery (Netherlands), Affenfaust Galerie (Hamburg, Germany), Oxholm (Copenhagen) and Rhodes Gallery (London). Art Fairs include participation with Avant Gallery at Art Miami, Art New York, and Scope Basel in Switzerland.