Sigmund – Georg Baselitz Works

Sigmund – Georg Baselitz Works

Dong Bin He Road, An Ding men, Dongcheng district Beijing, 100013, China Sunday, September 25, 2016–Friday, November 25, 2016 Opening Reception: Sunday, September 25, 2016, 3 p.m.–6 p.m.

schon immer war ich dem surrealismus zugeneigt by georg baselitz

Georg Baselitz

Schon immer war ich dem Surrealismus zugeneigt, 2010

Price on Request

wittelsbacher schwan by georg baselitz

Georg Baselitz

Wittelsbacher Schwan, 2000

Price on Request

sigmund by georg baselitz

Georg Baselitz

Sigmund, 2000

Price on Request

sigmund by georg baselitz

Georg Baselitz

Sigmund, 2000

Price on Request

penwerk by georg baselitz

Georg Baselitz

Penwerk, 1999

Price on Request

eselsrücken by georg baselitz

Georg Baselitz

Eselsrücken, 1999

Price on Request

The series of dog paintings that Georg Baselitz painted in the winter and spring of 1999/2000 is fundamentally different. The reduction of the palette to black and white, the brush stroke that seems more drawn rather than painted, the strictly symmetrical composition, the stereotypical representation of always the same dog, standing on its head, as a motionless and expressionless frontal bust, and the integration of writing, lend the series an emblematic and pointedly distanced character.