Sylke von Gaza

(German, born 1966)

da messina by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Da Messina, 2012

Price on Request

dark cobalt veil on blood 1 by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Dark Cobalt Veil on Blood 1, 2013

Price on Request

grey veil painting on red 5 by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Grey Veil Painting on Red 5, 2008

Price on Request

lilac haze on violet 2 by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Lilac Haze on Violet 2, 2023

Price on Request

multicolour 1 by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Multicolour 1, 2023

Price on Request

red veil master painting by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Red Veil Master Painting, 2008

Price on Request

red water on violet 1 by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Red water on violet 1, 2009–2023

Price on Request

small purple sky by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Small Purple Sky, 2010

Price on Request

ultramarin & blood on paper 1 by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Ultramarin & Blood on paper 1, 2009–2023

Price on Request

ultramarin & blood on paper 2 by sylke von gaza

Sylke von Gaza

Ultramarin & Blood on Paper 2, 2009–2023

Price on Request



Glass work, Fornace Mattiello, Murano, Italy
Studio San Gregorio, Palazzo Martinengo Fortuny, Venice, Ger-many
2013 - 2014
Atelier in Chiesa San Fantin, Venice, Italy
Glass work, Hofglasmalerei Gustav van Treeck, Munich, Germa-ny
Permanent work contribution to the Gussoni Renaisance Chapel in Chiesa San Lio, commissioned by the Curia Patriarcale di Ve-nezia
Atelier in Cappella Gussoni, Chiesa San Lio, Venice, Italy
Atelier in Cappella Santissima Trinità, Seminario Partriarchale di Venezia, Basilica della Salute, Venice, Italy
Atelier in Villa von Schulthess-Bodmer, Zürich, Switzerland
Participation in Padiglioni Paralleli of Curia Patriarcale di Vene-zia for 57th Venice Biennale
Atelier in Osservatorio del Seminario Patriarchale di Venezia, Basilica della Salute, Punta della Dogana, Venice, Italy


Il Nido at Gedächtniskirche, Berlin, Germany (solo)
Gabriel & Lucifero. The most precious Pigment of Renaissance Venice, Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venice, Germany (solo)
BIAS Biennale Internazionale 2018, Capella dell'Icoronazione, Museo Riso, Palermo, Italy
Il Nido inside Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, Italy (solo)
Il Nido at cloister of Seminario Patriarchale, Venice, Italy (solo)
Il Nido. A Pilgrimage towards Equilibrium, project start for Padi-glioni
Paralleli of Curia Patriarcale di Venezia and glasswork with Berengo Studio, Murano, during 57th Venice Biennale, at Basilica Madon-na della Salute, Osservatorio del Seminario Patriarcale, Punta della Dogana, Venice, Italy (solo)
Summertime: Brüning, Erben, von Gaza, Huidobro, Merschmann, Münch, Gallery Hans Strelow, Düsseldorf, Germany
52th Art Cologne, Gallery Hans Strelow, Cologne, Germany
2016 - 2017
Behind the Curtain. Concealment and Revelation since the Re-naissance. From Titian to Cristo, curated by Beat Wis-mer and Prof. Dr. Claudia Blümle, Museum Kunstpalast Düssel-dorf, Germany

Public Collections

Collezione Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia, Venice, Italy
Museo Diocesano d'Arte Sacra Sant' Apollonia, San Marco, Ven-ice, Italy
Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich, Germany


Tim Ackermann: Il Nido - Venedigs geheimes Nest, Weltkunst 8. December 2017, Berlin/Hamburg 2017.
Guido Brivio: Mysterium Coniunctionis. Gabriel & Lucifero by Syl-ke von Gaza, Venezia & Torino 2017.
Alan Jones: „As High as the Eagle“ - Sylke von Gaza’s Installa-tion „Il Nido“ in Venice, Venezia 2017.
Petra Schaefer: Hoch über den Kirchendächern von Venedig. Die deutsche Künstlerin Sylke von Gaza präsentiert die Installation "Il Nido", Zeitkunst (11/2017), Neu-Isenburg 2017.
Irmgard Bernrieder: Dem Blick entrückte Huldigung, Textcluster 29. November 2017, Brüggen 2017
Beat Wismer, Claudia Blümle (Ed.): Hinter dem Vorhang. Verhül-lung und Enthüllung seit der Renaissance – von Tizian bis Chris-to, with contributions by Horst Bredekamp, Georges Didi-Huberman, Wolfgang Kemp, Roland Krischel, Oskar Bätschmann, Lia Bertram, Dortje Fink, Vincent von Frankenberg, Klaus Krü-ger, Saskia C. Quené, Patrik Reuterswärd, Julia Ryll, Barbara Schnellewald, Beate Söntgen, Victor I. Stoichita and Gerhard Wolf, exhibition catalogue Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Hir-mer, Munich 2016.
Helga Meister: Im Ehrenhof wird der Vorhang gelüf-tet, Westdeutsche Zeitung WZ 30 September 2017, Wuppertal, Krefeld, Düsseldorf 2016.
Thomas Köster: "Hinter dem Vorhang" im Museum Kunstpa-last, Westdeutscher Rundfunk WDR 30 September 2016, Cologne 2016.