

215 E. Grant Street Phoenix, AZ 85004, USA Friday, March 20, 2020–Friday, June 19, 2020 Opening Reception: Friday, March 20, 2020, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

Repetition is a two-person show featuring works by Peter Millet and Jeremy Thomas

walking woman by peter millett

Peter Millett

Walking Woman, 2012


two story by peter millett

Peter Millett

Two Story, 2020

3,500 USD

bridge by peter millett

Peter Millett

Bridge, 2020


red flap by peter millett

Peter Millett

Red Flap, 2020


blue flap by peter millett

Peter Millett

Blue Flap, 2010


white post by peter millett

Peter Millett

White Post, 2018

10,000 USD

four square by peter millett

Peter Millett

Four Square, 2017

3,500 USD

log on by peter millett

Peter Millett

Log On, 2016

10,000 USD

pnm orange by jeremy thomas

Jeremy Thomas

PNM Orange


covestro yellow by jeremy thomas

Jeremy Thomas

Covestro Yellow, 2020


s k orange by jeremy thomas

Jeremy Thomas

S K Orange, 2020


b p yellow by jeremy thomas

Jeremy Thomas

B P Yellow, 2020


Repetition is a two-person show featuring works by Peter Millet and Jeremy Thomas. Both artists are pragmatic in their artistic approach, adhering to a process-based practice that employ the use of recurring forms to create inspired sculptures. Millet constructs distinct structures through an additive process born from intuition and curiosity. Thomas inflates sumptuous metal shapes with pressurized air to bring them into full dimensionality. Each artist explores a geometric language of shape and space, underscored by a high degree of skill and imagination.