Somerset House StrandLondon, WC2R 1LA, United Kingdom
Thursday, May 26, 2022–Sunday, May 29, 2022
Ivor Abrahams
Domain at Arnheim II, 1976
450–585 GBP
Ivor Abrahams
Privacy Plot : Flower Garden, 1970
1,000–1,300 USD
Larry Bell
Fraction Series (4906), 1999
1,200–1,560 GBP
Anthony Caro
Leaf Pool, 1996–2000
Price on Request
Patrick Caulfield
Curtain and Bottle, 1973
2,000–2,600 GBP
Robyn Denny
Light of the World (I), 1970
600–780 GBP
Robyn Denny
Light of the World (C), 1970
600–780 GBP
Robyn Denny
Generations 22, 1978
500 GBP
Robyn Denny
From Life, 1973
500–650 GBP
Robyn Denny
Generations 19, 1978
500 GBP
Robyn Denny
All Through the Day I (purple), 1970
700–910 GBP
Robyn Denny
Generations 7, 1978
500 GBP