50 Under 5000

50 Under 5000

529 West 20th St, 2E New York, NY 10011, USA Thursday, August 6, 2015–Saturday, September 12, 2015 Opening Reception: Thursday, August 6, 2015

running into a wall can be dangerous! by camille billops

Camille Billops

Running into a Wall Can Be Dangerous!, 1978


waving by elizabeth catlett

Elizabeth Catlett

Waving, 1989


untitled by ed clark

Ed Clark

Untitled, 1970


untitled by emilio cruz

Emilio Cruz

Untitled, 1978


pnp by richard dempsey

Richard Dempsey

PNP, ca. 1970


duppy by richard dempsey

Richard Dempsey

Duppy, ca. 1970


fillette au pain by léonard tsuguharu foujita

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita

Fillette Au Pain, 1966

Price on Request

fierte by léonard tsuguharu foujita

Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita

Fierte, 1952

Price on Request

still life with rhododendron by reginald gammon

Reginald Gammon

Still Life with Rhododendron, 1955


marathon iv by sam gilliam

Sam Gilliam

Marathon IV, 2003


brazil: ochun of the sea by chester higgins jr.

Chester Higgins Jr.

BRAZIL: Ochun of the Sea, 1989

Price on Request

highland homes are mostly constructed from mud and straw (ethiopia) by chester higgins jr.

Chester Higgins Jr.

Highland Homes are Mostly Constructed from Mud and Straw (Ethiopia), created: 1992

Price on Request