"Seminal Post-War American Landscapes"

"Seminal Post-War American Landscapes"

261 W. 35th Street Suite 703New York, NY 10001, USA Tuesday, March 26, 2024–Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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landscape with buildings by robert de niro, sr.

Robert De Niro, Sr.

Landscape with Buildings, 1968

Not for Sale

"Seminal Post-War American Landscapes" is the fourth of a series of exhibitions that will focus on The Center of Figurative Paintings collection of Post-War American Painting.  

The Center for Figurative Painting was formed to provide public exhibition and display of Post-War American Representational painting. Its sole ambition is an effort to further the appreciation, study and enjoyment of this genre among the general public, artists and educators alike. Post-War American Representational painting, often overshadowed by other Post-War American art movements, is an important art movement in its own right and deserves a museum dedicated to its display and further study. The Artists represented in the collection are different, yet they all have fulfilled the accomplishment of our greatest painters throughout history; which is to successfully incorporate modern vocabulary into a timeless language. These Artists, regardless of the changing fashions of our times, consistently upheld their own personal standards and ambitions.