For CFHILL, it is a boon and a blessing to have the opportunity to present Utopins arkeologi/Archaeology of Utopia, curated by Sandra Weil. With this exhibition, she shows how the impossible can become possible: How the unbearable lightness of fashion illustration (Mats Gustafson) relates to a modernist from the previous century (Siri Derkert). How a leading light of the Bauhaus (Oskar Schlemmer) is reflected, reinterpreted and revived in the work of an artist who grew up in third-generation Israel, who is trying to interpret (and mend) the shattered wreckage of a fantastic but failed project (Ohad Meromi).
How a group of people who find themselves on the run may suddenly experience beauty and a moment of grace (Malin Fezehai).
Or how the dream of a land of milk and honey is translated into industrial carpet (Gal Weinstein) even as the humblest of plants is vibrating with life (Christine Ödlund).