Are you familiar with our concept?

Are you familiar with our concept?

Västra Trädgårdsgatan 9 Stockholm, 11153, Sweden Friday, January 17, 2020–Saturday, February 8, 2020

The year couldn’t start any better! CFHILL is proud to present the exhibition Are You Familiar With Our Concept? 

In January 2020, the first month of a new decade, CFHILL will be opening a true dream of an exhibition: Are You Familiar With Our Concept? During the three years that we’ve been in business, we’ve always been driven by our passion for and our openness to whatever is new. One of the things that has given ourselves and our audiences a great deal of pleasure is inviting curators who possess particular knowledge or expertise in relation to those places and contexts that serve as the various “wheres” in which “it” happens.

In the fairly short time that we’ve had to fulfill this vision, we’ve presented a cross-section of the vibrant LA scene (LA Dreams and LA Dreams 2), held our fingers to the pulse of Shanghai’s simmering art scene (Mountains & Streams), gained insight into the interesting world of Israeli contemporary art (Archaeology of Utopia and All Movements Have Memories), been given a crash course on past and present LGBT perspectives on the New York art scene (Mentors and Thank you, thank you, thank you, come again), and become acquainted with the British art scene (Form & Volume). Now, we’re doing it again.

Javier Peres is the lawyer who abandoned his safe, sheltered existence to open the Peres Projects gallery in Berlin in the early 2000s. From the very beginning, his sights were set on the unbridled and the boundary-defying. 

Older generations of established artists and freshly baked youths alike, united by nothing but their longing for stimulating environments, all grasped the potential of Peres Projects. Soon, the gallery had become an essential stop at all the major art fairs. When the radical Design Academy Eindhoven began to produce stars of functional art, Javier’s partner Benoît Wolfrom made sure to establish a platform for them, too: Functional Art Gallery opened in 2018.

Peres Projects and Functional Art Gallery are genuine phenomena. The common denominator among this rather motley group of artists is a particular energy or obsession, an attitude that refuses to please, and refuses to settle for anything less than taking an art project to its very limit. This is true whether the project in question be a high tech acrylic glass chair by Théophile Blandet, a minimalist object referring to race car driving by Blair Thurman, or a colour field painting by performance artist Donna Huanca.

The year couldn’t start any better! CFHILL is proud to present the exhibition Are You Familiar With Our Concept?, which features the artists Rebecca Ackroyd, Ajarb Bernard Ategwa,Dan Attoe, Théophile Blandet, Richard Kennedy, Donna Huanca, Anna Aagaard Jensen, Melike Kara, Beth Letain, Finn Meier, Ad Minoliti, Manuel Solano, Blair Thurman, Brent Wadden, and OrtaMiklos (Leo Orta/Victor Miklos Andersen).