Auguste Rodin

(French, 1840–1917)

mask of a woman with a turned-up nose by auguste rodin

Auguste Rodin

Mask of a Woman with a Turned-up Nose, ca. 1910–1915

Price on Request

hand of god, study by auguste rodin

Auguste Rodin

Hand of God, Study, 1900

Price on Request



Born November 12th in Paris, France
1854 - 1857
Attended the school of decorative arts and studied under sculptor Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux
After the death of his older sister, Maria, he joined a Christian order for a few years and turned away from art
Had a son with lifelong companion Rose Beuret but never married her or legally claimed paternity on the child
First entry accepted into the Paris Salon, "The Man with the Broken Nose"
Returned to Paris, with Rose, and settled on the West Bank
Commissioned by French government to design doorway for the Museum of Decorative Arts
"The Kiss" brought to the Columbian Exposition in Chicago and rejected for being too erotic for public display
Died November 7th in Meudon, France


2006 - 2007
Sept. 23 - Jan. 1, "Rodin", Royal Academy of Arts
Jan. 28 - April 30, "Rodin: A Magnificent Obsession", Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
2005 - 2006
Sept. 27 - Jan. 29, "Masques et Tissus d'egypte", Musee Rodin, Paris
Nov. 17 - Feb. 26, "Rodin, Brancusi, Giacometti, Louis Borgeois, Vermeiren...", Musee Rodin, Paris
Oct. 22 - Jan. 15, "Die Obere Halfte - Die Buste Seit Auguste Rodin", Kunsthalle Emden, Ostfriesland, Germany
Sept. 25 - Jan. 29, "Lehmbruck, Rodin, Maillol", Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisbourg, Germany
Sept. 3 - Nov. 20, " Aristide Maillol - Bildhauer, Maler, Zeichner, Graphiker", Kunsthaus Apolda, Germany
Sept. 9 - Nov. 27, "Rodin Beuys", Kunsthalle Schirn, Frankfurt, Germany
Sept. 4 - Nov. 20, "Rodin - Skulpturen, Awuarelle, Fotografien", Stadtmuseum, Jena, Germany
May 26 - Sept. 11, "Camille Claudel & Rodin: Fateful Encounter", Musee National des Beaux-arts du Quebec