Modern British Paintings

Modern British Paintings

178 Brompton Road London, SW3 1HQ, United Kingdom Thursday, October 15, 2020–Wednesday, December 23, 2020

pink/blue abstract composition  by stanley william hayter

Stanley William Hayter

Pink/Blue Abstract Composition , 1959

Price on Request

mini october ii by patrick heron

Patrick Heron

Mini October II, 1976


self portrait by alan lowndes

Alan Lowndes

Self Portrait, 1958


three figures by l.s. lowry

L.S. Lowry

Three Figures, 1944


old building, edinburgh by l.s. lowry

L.S. Lowry

Old Building, Edinburgh, 1937

Price on Request

swan on the marshes by mary newcomb

Mary Newcomb

Swan on the Marshes, 1980

Price on Request

seated model by sir matthew arnold bracy smith

Sir Matthew Arnold Bracy Smith

Seated Model, 1920

Price on Request

arum lillies by sir matthew arnold bracy smith

Sir Matthew Arnold Bracy Smith

Arum Lillies, 1926
