NICOL ALLAN: COLLAGES will consist of about 25 collages by NICOL ALLAN (American, born 1931). Small in scale, the works are made from thin, translucent pieces of paper, often incorporating pencil and sumi ink wash.
NICOL ALLAN has exhibited in Los Angeles, London and New York. Before coming to Davis & Langdale Company in the early 1980s, ALLAN exhibited with Betty Parsons at the Parsons-Dreyfus Gallery, New York. He is included in such public collections as the Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire; the Christopher Hewitt Collection at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England; and the Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark. His work was recently included in the publication 560 Broadway: A New York Drawing Collection at Work, 1991-2006 (The Sarah-Ann and Werner Kramarsky Collection) (Fifth Floor Press, New York in association with Yale University Press, New York and London, 2008).