This show consists of fifty-two works by WILSON A BENTLEY (1865-1931),
CHARLES JONES (1866-1959) and a selection of vintage photographs by known
and unknown photographers.
WILSON A. BENTLEY coined the phrase “No two snowflakes are alike.” He grew
up in Jericho, Vermont, and developed a life-long fascination for snow. His
parents bought him a camera with a microscope attached with which he
discovered how to photograph snowflakes. The process was difficult, made
more so by the temporary nature of the subject – many snowflakes melted
before BENTLEY could capture their images on film, making the photographs
extremely rare.
CHARLES JONES was head gardener at Ote Hall, Sussex, England, and his
subjects are the fruit, vegetables and flowers he grew on that estate. The
works were discovered in 1981, when a trunk of JONES’ photographs came to
light at the Bermondsey Market in London. Since then JONES has been the
subject of a book by Robert Flynn Johnson and Sean Sexton, Plant Kingdoms:
The Photographs of Charles Jones (Smithmark Publishers, New York, 1998), and
of museum exhibitions at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California,
in 1998, and at Le Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1999.
The vintage photographs range from the 1850s to the 1950s and include
ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, gelatin silver prints with sepia toning and
color coupler prints. Of the fifteen works, four were taken by known
professional photographers of their time, while the remaining photographs
are by unknown photographers from Britain, the United States and France.
There is also a selection of cased photographs, two of which are in Union