Zig Zag Zig

Zig Zag Zig

535 W. 22nd Street New York, NY 10011, USA Thursday, June 21, 2018–Friday, August 10, 2018

nikko by chie fueki

Chie Fueki

Nikko, 2018

Price on Request

ellen by chie fueki

Chie Fueki

Ellen, 2017

Price on Request

where by chie fueki

Chie Fueki

Where, 2017

Price on Request

jeez  by joyce kozloff

Joyce Kozloff

JEEZ , 2012

Price on Request

donation box by alexi worth

Alexi Worth

Donation Box, 2018

Price on Request

suggestion box  by alexi worth

Alexi Worth

Suggestion Box , 2018

Price on Request

DC Moore Gallery is pleased to present ZIG ZAG ZIG a group exhibition which will include the debut of two new films by photographer Duane Michals, as well as highlight paintings by Chie Fueki, Joyce Kozloff, Doron Langberg, Bridget Mullen, Didier William, and Alexi Worth. The works incorporate our everyday experiences with varying degrees of personal and political engagement. Michals’ films, entitled Interruptus and Zip Zap Zip, incorporate a new technique which Michals has called “Zig Zag Color.” At times playful and other times existential, the changing kaleidoscope of color is a unique backdrop for both films that examine shifting states of identity. This resonates in the work of Chie Fueki, Doron Langberg, and Bridget Mullen in particular. Fueki creates imagined spaces inhabited by individuals in a layered, highly saturated manner, and the pieces simultaneously reference both her Japanese ethnicity and her familiarity with Brazilian culture. Langberg creates interior, everyday scenes that oscillate between the everyday and the sexual to elevate the queer experience as a normative mode to understand universal feelings of closeness and vulnerability. Mullen’s work, comprised of abstract and infinite patterns, undulates between the spirited and the melancholic states of being, and taps into the irrational reaches of the mind. Worth’s ballot box paintings symbolically show each single paper ballot filling up the box, and point towards the current crisis of voting in this country. Kozloff’s large painting JEEZ overflows with images of Christ from sources high and low – from Old Master paintings to everyday kitsch – as an attempt to grapple with religious imagery pervading Western culture. Williams’ paintings, comprised of swarming and unblinking eyes, surreally move between the mythological and the real in order to allow the artist to communicate feelings of anxiety and the fragility of everyday life in the urgent times we currently live in.