529 West 20th St, 6th Floor New York, NY 10011, USA Thursday, March 28, 2019–Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Opening Reception: Thursday, March 28, 2019, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

untitled from wild raspberries by andy warhol

Andy Warhol

Untitled from Wild Raspberries, ca. 1959

Price on Request

pie with hearts by andy warhol

Andy Warhol

Pie with Hearts, ca. 1951

Price on Request

portrait of seven artists by andy warhol

Andy Warhol

Portrait of Seven Artists, ca. 1962

Price on Request

  Dean Borghi Fine Art is pleased to announce WARHOL, a solo exhibition featuring the works of Pop Art artist Andy Warhol. The exhibition will be on view at our gallery located at 529 West 20th Street, New York city, New York - 6th Floor from March 28, 2019 until May 1, 2019. An opening reception will take place on Thursday March 28, 2019 from 6 – 8pm.   Not only was Andy Warhol a cultural icon who undoubtedly created works of art that are transcendent and universally recognizable to the masses, but he was an ever-evolving artist that continues to astound the public and art world even after his death. By creating a carefully cultivated persona and willingness to experiment with non-traditional art-making techniques Warhol understood the amount of power the imagery he was creating had in contemporary life. Not only did he bring fine art to the masses, he expanded the role of the artist in society and aided in creating a new narrative between the artist, their work and the viewer.  Following the eye-opening retrospective on view at the Whitney Museum of American Art in Chelsea (November 12 - March 31)Warhol – From A to B and Back Again that brought a renewed interest in the artist. By understanding and further learning the complexities of the artist we think we know from this most recent retrospective, we are building upon the lasting legacy that is Andy Warhol and searching to understand more about him in our exhibition WARHOL. Sharing pen and ink drawings, familiar prints and other works on paper and canvas, Dean Borghi Fine Art aims to extend the celebration along with deepening the curiosity in an artistic and cultural icon of the 21st century and beyond.    An opening reception will be held on Thursday March 28, 2019 from 6pm to 8pm at our location in Chelsea at 529 W. 20th Street - 6th Floor. Dean Borghi Fine Art is open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am - 6pm. Further inquiries can be sent to [email protected] or calling directly at (212) 472 - 3101