70 Years of CoBrA

70 Years of CoBrA

Grüneburgweg 123 Frankfurt am Main, 60323, Germany Thursday, September 6, 2018–Saturday, November 3, 2018 Opening Reception: Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 7 p.m.–10 p.m.

le point du jour by pierre alechinsky

Pierre Alechinsky

Le Point du Jour, 1966

Price on Request

timbuktu by corneille


Timbuktu, 1953

Price on Request

jour d'été by corneille


Jour d'Été, 1957

Price on Request

la vie des pierres by corneille


La Vie des Pierres, 1963

Price on Request

sous la voûte au ciel la vie d'un petit personnage commence by corneille


Sous la Voûte au Ciel la Vie d'un petit Personnage commence, 1964

Price on Request

der geburtstagstisch by karl otto götz

Karl Otto Götz

Der Geburtstagstisch, 1947

Price on Request

rotes kraftfeld by siegfried reich an der stolpe

Siegfried Reich an der Stolpe

Rotes Kraftfeld, 1993

Price on Request

auf grauem grund by siegfried reich an der stolpe

Siegfried Reich an der Stolpe

Auf grauem Grund, 1950

Price on Request

untitled by theo wolvecamp

Theo Wolvecamp

Untitled, 1976

Price on Request

 "A good painting or poem is always unfinished, always incomplete; they remain open, disorderly. They refuse to linger in pain and in laughter, they are eccentrically uninhibited in how they deal with time."
Lucebert on the art of CoBrA

For 70 years, this unique eccentricity has intrigued both art lovers as well as the generations of artists since CoBrA. At the time of its founding in 1948 in the Parisian Café Nôtre-Dame, and following CoBrA’s brief existence of only three years, many surely had their doubts about it, but the spirit of CoBrA still lives on. Co-BR-A stands for the hometowns of the founding members: Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam. Under this name, and with the snake as a symbol of the movement, artists and writers joined together in a shared desire for spontaneity and intuition in their work that ran contrary to the conventions of the time. The lively exchange led to diverse co-operations and joint exhibitions until the ultimately 50 participants went individual ways. In honor of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the group, DIE GALERIE is presenting selected works by CoBrA's main representatives. An added attraction is the gallery debut of the artist Jacqueline de Jong, whose relationship with Asger Jorn brought her in immediate contact with the CoBrA group.

Exhibited artists:Pierre Alechinsky, Karel Appel, Jean-Michel Atlan, Mogens Balle, Constant, Corneille, Jacqueline de Jong, Karl Otto Götz, Asger Jorn, Lucebert, Carl-Henning Pedersen, Jean Raine, Siegfried Reich an der Stolpe, Raoul Ubac, Theo Wolvecamp

Opening: Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 6.30 PM

Introduction: Prof. Axel Heil, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe

The artist Jacqueline de Jong, closely associated with the CoBrA group due to her connection to Asger Jorn, will be present.

Kindly be informed that attendance of the opening requires prior registration.