Campoli Presti is pleased to announce the second iteration of Hôtel Le Lièvre, a series of two-person fortnightly presentations, in which an artist from the gallery invites another artist to present each a single work. The exhibition series centres around the Paris gallery building, Hôtel Le Lièvre La Grange, site of an intense cultural and fashion trade which is now disrupted. The rhythmical reconfigurations of the space perform as an attempt to counter our current sense of detachment.
The new presentation features the work of Christian Bonnefoi and Vincent Peraro, two artists that engage with the notion of space through translucency, as well as sharing an interest in Borges’ idea of a temporal multiple universe, integrated in the notion of the labyrinth. Vincent Peraro’s sculpture, entitled “For Borges-La nostalgia du noir”, is a parallelepiped volume, contained in its centre another volume of the same type in an opaque yellow colour. Small protrusions, interstices, transparencies, cut, bent or warped planes, projected in multiple directions, indicate that there is no privileged standpoint from which to observe the work.
Bonnefoi’s work also operates as an open system, embracing the three-dimensionality of the canvas by rotating and displacing its orientation, as well as creating depth through translucency. For his new Janapa series, Bonnefoi explores further manipulations on the colour of the sheer, open-weaved tarlatan. Through a process of pigmentation, the colour is no longer an external element of the canvas, but part of its materiality, modifying its structure. The notion of a unique vanishing point is thus dismantled through silent elements found in the materiality of painting itself, revealing a site and its counterpart. Like a Borges’ verse, they reveal an object and its mirror image, a statement and its opposite, a reflection and its duplicate.