Ikeda Iwao: The Life of Bamboo, The Spirit of Urushi

Ikeda Iwao: The Life of Bamboo, The Spirit of Urushi

23 E. 67th Street New York, NY 10065, USA Wednesday, June 8, 2016–Sunday, June 26, 2016 Opening Reception: Tuesday, June 7, 2016, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

untitled by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda

Untitled, 2013


tea caddy by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda

Tea Caddy, 2016


untitled by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda

Untitled, 2016


untitled by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda

Untitled, 2016


untitled by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda



untitled by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda

Untitled, 2016


untitled by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda

Untitled, 2016


untitled by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda

Untitled, 2016


untitled by iwao ikeda

Iwao Ikeda

Untitled, 2013


Erik Thomsen Gallery and Koichi Yanagi Oriental Fine Arts are pleased to invite you to upcoming joint exhibition at both Erik Thomsen Gallery and Koichi Yanagi Oriental Fine Arts.

Brought up in a basket-weaving family but also trained as a lacquerer, over the decades Ikeda has developed a unique and expressive combination of two of Japan's most revered natural materials. Marrying the strength and solidity of bamboo with the subdued luster of red, black, and gold urushi (lacquer), he makes pieces that both celebrate and challenge traditional Japanese ideas of artistic elegance.