Color VI

Color VI

400 First Avenue N. P.O. Box 1679Ketchum, ID 83340, USA Tuesday, October 9, 2018–Friday, December 14, 2018 Opening Reception: Friday, November 23, 2018, 4 p.m.–6 p.m.

Artists in this exhibition use color as a predominate component of their artwork. Linda Christensen’s figurative paintings deal with life’s everyday occurrences. Her work features contrast of extremes in color and ambiguity of space. The liveliness of Bean Finneran's hand rolled ceramic sculptures resembles the creativity of nature. The encaustic medium allows Raphaëlle Goethals to form layers upon layers of subtle color, which take on a luminous quality. Rana Rochat's new paintings use scrawling lines, rhythms of dots and texture, and sophisticated color to create an uplifting atmosphere. Gary Komarin’s abstract painting style visually engages the viewer with richness of color as a primary message.  Marcia Myers utilized natural pigments to capture the essence of her Italian experiences.  Julie Speidel’s newest work features bold colors matched with her iconic forms influenced by ancient artifacts. Allison Stewart's paintings reflects her training as a biologist and her love of the bayou's of Louisiana.