From the top, on repeat

From the top, on repeat

Istiklal Cad. No.163 Misir Apartmani K.3 D.10 Istanbul, Turkey Thursday, December 29, 2022–Saturday, February 18, 2023 Opening Reception: Thursday, December 29, 2022, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

left thumb by guido casaretto

Guido Casaretto

Left Thumb, 2022

Price on Request

copycat's strife with the original by merve ertufan

Merve Ertufan

Copycat's Strife With the Original, 2018–2022

Price on Request

an echo too late by merve ertufan

Merve Ertufan

An echo too late, 2016–2020

Price on Request

from the series ‘temporary sameness’: scissors by zeynep kayan

Zeynep Kayan

From the series ‘Temporary Sameness’: Scissors, 2019

Price on Request

from the series one one two one two three: fabric by zeynep kayan

Zeynep Kayan

from the series one one two one two three: fabric, 2021

Price on Request

re-struct by yasemin o¨zcan

Yasemin O¨zcan

Re-struct, 2022

Price on Request

missprint by erinc seymen

Erinc Seymen

MissPrint, 2022

Price on Request

Zilberman is pleased to present the group exhibition From the Top, On Repeat, opening on December 29th, at Zilberman Selected. Guido Casaretto, Merve Ertufan, Zeynep Kayan, Yasemin Özcan and Erinç Seymen’s works examine the duality of repetition and difference while observing the unique moments that emerge in-between.  

From the Top, On Repeat aims to open a space for an alternative way of studying repetition and imitation, which artists often adopt in their practices, through movement, materiality, language, and rhythm. Taking repetition as a base, originality, copying, and appropriation that are inherent in art making, are being re-assessed in the selection of artworks. Under the influence of these natural connections, the exhibition offers a visual, auditive as sensual experience of the inescapable temporal, physical, and mental differences that emerge as a result.While the act of repetition distances itself from the original, through disruptions, mistakes, failures, and echoes, the expected consequences on the other side lead to unde- sired paths, in other words, to the endangerment of meaning.  

The exhibition aims to decompose centralized structures, examining the layers down to their smallest or highest units through imitation, repetition or reproduction in order to understand their material and immaterial significance. It also questions where this may lead one regarding culture, matter, gesture, language, or mind while asking, whether a whole that is divided into its fragments can maintain its originality when put back together and at what point would it be possible to break the systematic cycle?  

In Left Thumb, Guido Casaretto investigates upon the relationship between culture and a uniform structure that gets de-identified through repetition; by forming orecchiette pasta from clay, he exercises a series of mechanical hand and body movements. In the video An Echo Too Late, Merve Ertufan invites the viewer to a journey through sound and language, by narrating and telling the memories of a woman who lost the ability to recognise her own face, to reveal the random echoes and riddled deep waters of subconsciousness that linger in the back of mind. Opening a new discourse towards authenticity and copy that lies within the nature of repetition. Copycat’s Strife with the Original presents a text in which the copycat/imitator compares him/herself with the original/authentic. Zeynep Kayan focuses on exploring the repetitive structural setup of the variations she creates in her artistic practice, while underlining the impossibility of repeating a movement exactly due to both temporal and bodily differences. This attitude of hers becomes apparent in her series one one two one two three: fabric and the series Temporary Sameness: fabric in this exhibition. MissPrint, produced by Erinç Seymen specifically for this exhibition, looks into the issue of repetition from three different manners: the first one refers to the method of screen printing that inherits a repetition in itself; the second one is Seymen’s use of letter stamps as col- lection objects, especially taking a closer look on the misprints and their values being created in the exactly same moment where repetition is interrupted; and lastly, references to his own artistic history by bringing an old work back with a differ- ent interpretation. Yasemin Özcan takes the viewer on a biographical journey throughout her artistic practice in Re-Struct, while defining the conceptually and visually recurring elements in her practice through her intense relationship she has developed with green color, soil, terracotta, labor and literature.  

The exhibition From the Top, On Repeat will be on show at Zilberman Selected between December 29th, 2022-February 18th, 2023. Instead of talking about repetition, the exhibition reasserts the form that difference takes in a repetitive process, the unexpectedness in change, certain structural and temporal intervals through the artists’ interpretation.  


Photo credit (installation view): Kayhan Kaygusuz