Tom Christopher “Tales of the City”, Paintings
In Tom Christopher’s work, his love for his town is strongly reflected. The themes put the viewer directly to a street corner of the Big Apple. Tom Christopher’s paintings are immense; they are an explosion of color and light.
His actors seem to jump or drive out of his canvases and carry the spectator with them: honking cabs that look like bumper cars in the traffic, pedestrians who manage their way through the crowded subway stations, cyclist that move like ballet dancers through the busy streets.
Tales of the City- impressions by the artist Tom Christopher who was “elected” to be the Town Painter of New York.
September 8th – November 19th 2005.Vernissage September 7th, 6:30 p.m.
Tom Christopher, born in 1952 in Hollywood, studied at the Sonoma State University, the Pasadena Museum and the Pasadena Art Centre College, where he obtained the BFA in 1979. He settled over to New York in 1981 after having worked for the Disney Studios and the NBC Studios in Burbank, CA.
The artist worked as a court sketcher for CBS Network News and created drawings for magazines like « People », « Fortune » and « Wall Street Journal ».
In the mid 80s Tom Christopher emphasized on his paintings which were bought by the « New York Times », the « Boston Globe », Thorn EMI, « Atlantic Monthly » and Bertelsmann Music Group on Time Square, New York.
In 1990, 1995 and 1998 his murals for Long Island City; News Corporation, Rockefeller Centre and Times Square emerged.
His works are in public collections such as Condé Nast, New York; The Ford Motor Corporation, Detroit; Goldman Sachs & Co, New York; National Building Museum, Washington D.C.; Heinecken, Netherlands; The Museum of the City of New York; The New York Times Inc.; The Office of the Mayor, New York; Rockefeller Centre, New York; Tyson Corporation, New York; Thyssen Collection, Germany; Time Warner Inc., New York. Also, the First Lady of the United States of America selected a painting by Tom Christopher for the White House Collection.
The New Yorkers love Tom Christopher: Mayor Bloomberg thanked him on behalf of eight million New Yorkers for his important and lasting contributions he made to the art community. Tom Christopher’s artwork is constantly shown in New York, Paris, Tokyo, Osaka and Germany. He works hard for his beloved Big Apple: he designs city maps, posters for the republican national convention and works on numerous art projects like a huge upcoming show in the summer on Times Square: “Interpreting Times Square”, Time Square Alliance, NYC. In addition to that, the Lab Gallery in New York will be showing Tom Christopher’s serigraphs in a show called „The Times Square Project” starting September 22nd until October 1st.