Art Taipei

Art Taipei

Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi DistrictTaipei, 110, Taiwan Friday, October 18, 2019–Sunday, October 20, 2019 Preview: Thursday, October 17, 2019, 2 p.m.–9 p.m. 1, ASIA +

galerie bruno massa is thrilled to participate to its first time at ART TAPEI in ASIA+ sector with Chen Ching-Lung & Ryohei Matsumoto.

child care by ryohei matsumoto

Ryohei Matsumoto

Child Care, 2014

1,200 EUR

feeding by ryohei matsumoto

Ryohei Matsumoto

Feeding, 2018

900 EUR

reflection by ryohei matsumoto

Ryohei Matsumoto

Reflection, 2018

900 EUR

rockfish in the dream by ryohei matsumoto

Ryohei Matsumoto

Rockfish in the Dream, 2014

2,000 EUR

fill the earth by ryohei matsumoto

Ryohei Matsumoto

Fill the Earth, 2017

5,000 EUR

the way of life by ryohei matsumoto

Ryohei Matsumoto

The Way of Life, 2013

1,200 EUR

crowd behavior by ryohei matsumoto

Ryohei Matsumoto

Crowd Behavior, 2016


第二十六屆台北國際藝術博覽會將於 10 月 18 至 21 日在台北世界貿易中心一館大器登場,匯聚來自歐亞總共 141 家畫廊,包含 12 個國家地區。身為亞太地區歷史最悠久且不間斷的藝文盛事,ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會承繼了超過四分之一世紀的使命,逐年見證亞太藝術市場的成長,也展現ART TAIPEI 的強勁韌性,中華民國畫廊協會第14屆理事長鍾經新,領導業界在逆勢中迎風飛揚,持續扮演著引領潮流的藝壇先鋒,並在今年深秋,邁入璀璨的全新氣象。另外,ART TAIPEI 還被列為台灣觀光局觀光年曆國際級的活動,且在年初甫獲經濟部台灣會展獎評審特別獎的殊榮,短短五天展期便吸引了7 萬人次的觀賞流量,參觀者皆佳評如潮。2019 年 ART TAIPEI 以「光之再現」為主題,將傲人的歷史蛻變地更加奪目亮眼,展現華人藝壇的無限可能性。