PLAS 2019

PLAS 2019

COEX 1F Hall B1 - B2, Samsung Dong Seoul, South Korea Thursday, June 13, 2019–Sunday, June 16, 2019 Preview: Thursday, June 13, 2019, 4 p.m.–8 p.m. Hall B1-B2

June 12th – June 16th 2019
Seoul, South Korea

untitled n°297 by harry james moody

Harry James Moody

Untitled n°297, 2016

6,900 USD

untitled n°339 by harry james moody

Harry James Moody

Untitled n°339, 2016


i wake up, but never awake from the dream by hiromi sengoku

Hiromi Sengoku

I Wake Up, But Never Awake From The Dream, 2013

1,000 EUR

with Monique Bertina, Michele Angela Jenkins, Marina Ho, Laurence Imbert, Harry James Moody, Olivier Lavorel, Hiromi Sengoku, Kyna de Schouel & Shin Seung-Hun & Diane Torje

+ drawings from James Coignard, Jean Hélion, Max Papart, Jérémie Rebourgeard, Julie Salmon, Antonio Ségui & J.-C. Sgro

galerie bruno massa is thrilled to participate with galerie ARTBIBLIO to its second time time at Plastic Art Seoul (PLAS) devoted to new materials for arts, especially plastics. PLAS contributes to the advancement of Korean & international art by spreading new form of culture and seek to change & develop the art market for the global age. PLAS has been evaluated as promoting new changes in Korean art market by discovering the creative values achieved by Korean formative arts. Thanks to such love and encouragements, PLAS have prepared a number of innovative exhibitions with the theme of "New Coexistence" this year.