Position 02/07, February 2, 2007

Position 02/07, February 2, 2007

Antwerpener Straße 4 Koln (SEE COLOGNE), Germany Friday, February 2, 2007–Friday, February 2, 2007

Position 02 / 07
02.02.2007 - 10.03.2007

Das Ausstellungsjahr 2007 eröffnen wir mit der Gruppenausstellung Position 02/07 - 50°56´25.38N - 6°56´15.61O: Der Titel verweist auf den Standort der Galerie im Belgischen Viertel in Köln - gezeigt wird der konzeptionelle Überblick der aktuell von der Galerie vertretenen künstlerischen Positionen:

Position 02 / 07
50°56´25.38N - 6°56´15.61O

Fergus Feehily
Lutz Fritsch
Imi Knoebel
Gereon Krebber
Daniel Lergon
Klaus Schmitt
Katharina Sieverding
Jorinde Voigt

Eröffnung am Freitag, 2. Februar 2007, 18 - 21 Uhr
Dauer der Ausstellung: bis 10.März 2007


Position 02 / 07
50°56´25.38N - 6°56´15.61O
Opening reception: Friday February 2nd, 6-9 pm

Galerie Christian Lethert is pleased to announce its next exhibition. The gallery will open the exhibition-year 2007 with the group show Position 02/07 - 50°56`25.38N - 6°56`15.61O: The title refers to the location of the gallery in the Belgium quarter in Cologne – the conceptual overview of the currently represented artistic positions will be shown:

Fergus Feehily
Lutz Fritsch
Imi Knoebel
Gereon Krebber
Daniel Lergon
Klaus Schmitt
Katharina Sieverding
Jorinde Voigt

Further exhibitions in 2007: at the end of March the gallery presents works and installations of the London based artist Gereon Krebber, which show reflexions particular materials and their transformation in sculpture. It is followed by an exhibition of new work by the Irish artist Fergus Feehily, whose work resists categorization, occupying a space between non-representation and image. Afterwards the gallery shows works of Berlin based artist Jorinde Voigt, who deals with repetitive structures on the perception level. Focus of her works is mostly cliché afflicted objects, which have corporate representativeness.

The exhibition continues until March10th 2007