So nah so fern

So nah so fern

Antwerpener Straße 52 Cologne, 50672, Germany Friday, January 26, 2018–Friday, March 23, 2018 Opening Reception: Friday, January 26, 2018, 6 p.m.–9 p.m.

construction b5 by lutz fritsch

Lutz Fritsch

Construction B5, 2017

Price on Request

so soll es sein - raumstand 1 by lutz fritsch

Lutz Fritsch

So soll es sein - Raumstand 1, 2017

Price on Request

umlaufbahn by lutz fritsch

Lutz Fritsch

Umlaufbahn, 2006

Price on Request

With So nah so fern (So Close So Far) Lutz Fritsch presents his fifth solo exhibition at Galerie Christian Lethert. Both recent and older minimalist works by the Cologne based sculptor will be shown on two floors of the new gallery space.   

What underlies the exhibition and its works is the combination of proximity and distance that is the overcoming of temporal and spatial restrictions. While new sculptures and wall works are presented on the upper floor, Lutz Fritsch shows early works from the 1980s and 1990s in the basement of the gallery, many of whom have never been exhibited before.  So soll es sein - Raumstand 1 (2017) is the first freestanding indoor sculpture created by Lutz Fritsch. The work, which consists of a found object as well as wood and aluminum poles, occupies the room with a certain nonchalance. The line that is so characteristic for his art can also be found in the work In Anlehnung an Rot (2017). The two-part wall work Umlaufbahn (2016), however, brings the line into vibration and now runs in circular orbits.  The drawings, filigree wall sculptures and inscriptions from the series Postkarten lügen nicht underline the focus of Lutz Fritsch’s artistic work: the reduction to the essentials in dealing with line, surface, color and space.