Ding Yi

(Chinese, born 1962)

appearance of crosses 2014-3 by ding yi

Ding Yi

Appearance of Crosses 2014-3, 2014

Price on Request

appearance of crosses 2019-3  by ding yi

Ding Yi

Appearance of Crosses 2019-3 , 2019

Price on Request



Born in Shanghai, China
Graduated from the Shanghai Arts & Crafts Institute, China
Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Shanghai University, China
lives and works in Shanghai, China


The Official Opening of Minsheng Art Museum – Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art 1979-2009, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
Exhibition in the sky, Pudong tower advertisement boards,Shanghai, China (group)
Shanghai, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, U.S.A. (group)
Shanghai Modern Exhibition, CAI,Sapporo;Gallery Monma,Sapporo, Japan (group)
Chinese Contemporary Art in the Year of the Tiger, Centre Culturel de Rencontre, Abbaye de Neumunster, Luxembourg (group)
Photo Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China (group)
Chinese Contemporary Artist in Their Twenties, Beijing Angle Modern Art, Beijing, China (group)
Inaugural Exhibition, Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery, Beijing, China (group)
Yi Pai - Century Thinking A Contemporary Art Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China (group)
Un-natural-A New Ciscussion on Nature and Chinese Traditions, Beijing Center for the Arts, Beijing, China (group)