Drususgasse 1-5 Cologne, 50667, Germany Thursday, May 20, 2021–Saturday, August 28, 2021

self-portrait in a mirror, rome, italy  by herbert list

Herbert List

Self-Portrait in a Mirror, Rome, Italy , 1955

Price on Request

giorgio de chirico 4, rome, italy by herbert list

Herbert List

Giorgio de Chirico 4, Rome, Italy, 1951

Price on Request

balloons at the fontana di trevi, rome, italy  by herbert list

Herbert List

Balloons at the Fontana di Trevi, Rome, Italy , 1950

Price on Request

a halfpainted figurine of jesus scares a boy passing by, naples, italy by herbert list

Herbert List

A halfpainted figurine of Jesus scares a boy passing by, Naples, Italy, 1960

Price on Request

shadow of david, florence, italy by herbert list

Herbert List

Shadow of David, Florence, Italy, 1934

Price on Request