Kader Attia: Complementary Conversations

Kader Attia: Complementary Conversations

Seilerstätte 16 Vienna, 1010, Austria Saturday, April 18, 2015–Saturday, May 16, 2015 Opening Reception: Friday, April 17, 2015, 7 p.m.

Dear Friends of Galerie Krinzinger,

We would like to inform you that our next exhibition will be dedicated to the work of Kader Attia. The opening of the exhibition "Complementary Conversations" will be opened on the 17th of April 2015, 7 PM.

Opening speech by Dr. Sabine Breitwieser
Director of Museum der Moderne Salzburg

We would be delighted if you could come to the opening.

With best regards,

Ursula Krinzinger and Team