Jan Voss : Parcelles

Jan Voss : Parcelles

https://online.galerie-lelong.com/en/jan-voss-parcelles/ Paris, France Thursday, July 23, 2020–Sunday, August 30, 2020

Paris, France

On view at https://online.galerie-lelong.com/en/jan-voss-parcelles/

In his Berlin studio, last May, Jan Voss produced a set of ten Parcelles, along with the following statement:

"The painter is a loner in his studio, unless he leads a production team, which I do not. Therefore, not much has changed in my working approach during this lockdown. My work consists of worrying about the paper: its smoothness, its modestness and its two-dimensions bother me. I dream to add a bi-dimensionality to this medium. A sheet of paper will never measure up a block of marble, for sure; but still, a little more texture wouldn’t be that bad for it. The easiest way to add relief and even an entire dimension to a sheet of paper would be to roll it into a ball. However, let’s bet that this ball would end up immediately in the wastebasket. I do not dream of eternity, trust me, but a little more sustainability would do me good. So then, no balls of paper. Folds perhaps, as in some paintings of the ancient times? Yes, why not. Holes, as in the slightly less remote work of an Italian master? Yes, why not. Strings too. And above all, colors that add, I hope, the dimension of pleasure." Jan Voss.