Max Bill

(Swiss, 1908–1994)

halbe kugel um zwei achsen / half ball around two axes by max bill

Max Bill

Halbe Kugel um zwei Achsen / Half Ball Around Two Axes, 1965–1966

Price on Request

3 : 4, hell by max bill

Max Bill

3 : 4, hell, 1985

Price on Request

doppel aus vier vierergruppen by max bill

Max Bill

Doppel aus vier Vierergruppen, 1983

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dreifarbige gruppe by max bill

Max Bill

Dreifarbige Gruppe, 1983

Price on Request

für robert blum / einheit aus fünfzehn strichpaaren in vier gruppen by max bill

Max Bill

für Robert Blum / Einheit aus fünfzehn Strichpaaren in vier Gruppen, 1976

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vier farbquanten in zwei gleichen systemen / four colour quanta in two identical systems by max bill

Max Bill

Vier Farbquanten in zwei gleichen Systemen / Four Colour Quanta in Two Identical Systems

Price on Request

der knabe spielt mit dem hund / the boy plays with the dog by max bill

Max Bill

Der Knabe spielt mit dem Hund / The Boy Plays with the Dog, 1928

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cirkus / circus by max bill

Max Bill

Cirkus / Circus, 1927

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träumender mann by max bill

Max Bill

Träumender Mann, 1929

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Born on December 22 in Winterthur, Switzerland
1924 - 1927
Studied at the Arts and Crafts Academy in Zurich
1927 - 1929
Apprenticeship as a silversmith
Moved to Zurich
1931 - 1956
Co-founder and director of the Ulm School of Arts and Crafts
From this point on he was active as an architect, painter, graphic artist and sculptor
Since then he was active in public relations
From then on he was active as product designer
1961 - 1964
Head architect of the building and design sectors for the Swiss national exhibition in Lausanne 1964
Became professor at the State School for Fine Arts in Hamburg and received awards, honors and an honorary degree