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02 February 2025
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Alexander Kosolapov
, born 1943)
Alexander Kosolapov
Mc Lenin’s,
Price on Request
Public Collections
Born in Moscow, Russia
1950 - 1961
Attended the Secondary Art School of V. Surikov Art Institute, Moscow, Russia
1962 - 1968
Studied, with a break due to military service, at the Sculpture Department of Stroganov Moscow Higher Art College, Moscow, Russia
Emigrated to the United States
Lives and works in New York, NY and Moscow, Russia
Artgenève13, Art Fair Galerie Sébastien Bertrand, Geneva, Switzerland
Breaking The Ice : MOSCOW ART, 1960-80s, SAATCHI Gallery, London, UK
Main Gallery. Russian Art of the New Millennium. New York, USA
Alexander Kosolapov — SOTSART. Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York, USA (solo)
Museum of Parallel Narratives. In the framework of L’Internationale. MACBA, Barcelona, Spain
The Present and Presence. Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia
I love ALDI. Wilhelm Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, Deutschland
Alexander KOSOLAPOV. Galerie Vallois, Paris, France (solo)
Decadence Now! Visions of Excess. Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic
BLITZ. Galerie A.L.F.A., Paris, France
Glasnost: Soviet Non-Conformist Art from the 1980s. Haunch of Venison, London
THROUGH THE PAST TO THE FUTURE. Alexandre Gertsman Contemporary Art, New York, NY
Doors open day: a mansion — a gymnasium — a clinic — a museum. Russian art, 1989—2009, from the Museum collection, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
1989. Ende der Geschichte oder Beginn der Zukunft? Kunsthalle, Wien, Austria
The Thaw and the Time After — Moscow Artists 1958—2008. Part III, Perestroika (1986—1996). Galerie Sandmann, Berlin, Germany
That Obscure Object of Art (Этот смутный объект искусства). Ca’Rezzoniko, Venice, Italy
Die totale Aufklärung - Moskauer Konzeptkunst, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany
Branding, Centre PasquArt, Kunsthaus d'art, Bienne, Switzerland
Artists Against The State: Perestroika Revisited, Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York, NY
Russia!, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
Russia 2: Bad News from Russia, White Box Gallery, New York, NY
Russian Pop Art, State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Essence of Life/Art, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary; State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia; State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Moscow Grafika: Artists' Prints 1961 - 2005, International Print Center, New York, NY
Berlin-Moscow/Moscow-Berlin 1950-2000, State Historical Museum, Moscow, Russia
Printed light - photographic vision and the modern print. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Australia
Szene MOSKVA (1977-1991), Galerie Eva Poll, Berlin, Germany
Seven Sins, Moderna galerija Ljubljana, Liubliana
Body, Culture and Optical Illusions, Museum Center of the Russian State Humanities University, Moscow, Russia
Berlin-Moskau/Moskau-Berlin 1950-2000, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
Ortstermin Moskau - 1970 und die Zeit danach, Galerie Sandmann, Berlin, Germany
Kunst und Politik, Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne, Germany
Remembrance, Yeshiva University Museum, New York, NY USA
Attention, religion! A. Sakharov Museum and Public Center, Moscow, Russia
Mickey-Lenin, Gallery of One Work, Moscow, Russia (solo)
Russian Revolutions, Singer Gallery, Mizel Center for Arts and Culture, Denver, CO
100% Vision, Rigina Gallery, Moscow, Russia
ARTEAST 2000+, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Liubliana, Slovenia (traveling show)
Sots Art/Pop Art, Duke University Museum of Art, Durham, NC (solo)
Kunst im untergrund, Albertina museum, Vienna, Austria
Drama Lenin-Stalin Tragodie, Galerie Hihenthal und Bergen, Berlin, Germany
Russlands Zweite Avantgarde, Museum Moderner Kunst, Passau, Germany
III Cetinjski Bijenale, Cetinje, Montenegro
History in Persons: 1956-1996, Central exhibition hall, Nizhny Novgorod (traveling exhibition)
Alexander Kosolapov, Galerie Karenina, Vienna, Austria (solo)
Here and there: Contemporary Artist from the former Soviet Union, B'naiB'rith Klutznick, National Jewish Museum, Washington, DC
Kunst im verborgenen, Nonkonformisten Russland 1957-1995, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein; documenta-Halle, Kassel, Germany; Staatliches Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg, Germany; Riding Hall, Moscow, Russia
Russian Jewish Artist in a Century of Change, Jewish Museum, New York, NY
Prospekts, Chase Manhattan, New York, NY
Temporarily Possessed, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY
Artist Instead of a Work of Art, or a Jump to the Void, Central Artists' House, Moscow, Russia
Before «Neo» and After «Post», Lehman College Art Gallery, New York, NY
Who is Who, Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna, Austria
El Magico Mundo De Mickey Mouse, Cuartel conde Duque, Madrid, Spain; Palau Sant Jordi; Barcelona, Spain
II Cetinjski Bijenale, Cetinje, Montenegro
Alexander Kosolapov, Galerie Vorsetzen, Hamburg, Germany (solo)
New Post-Communist Billboards oder Bilder aus dem Neuen Russland, Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne, Germany (solo)
3rd Minos Beach Sculpture symposium, Minos, Greece
Monuments: Transformation for the Future, World Financial Center, New York, NY; Central Artists' House, Moscow, Russia; Kunstihoone, Tallinn, Estonia
Coca Art Show, Galleria Bianca Pilat, Milan, Italy
Ex USSR, Groninger Museum, Groninger, The Netherlands
Soc-art. V. Lenin Museum, Moscow, Russia
10 New York Artists, Galerie Löhr, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Contemporary Soviet Art: From Thaw to Perestroyka, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Kunst: Europa, Sovietunion, Kunstverein, Hanover, Germany
In de USSR en Erbuiten, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Transpositions, Art Museum University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Another art. Moscow 1956-1976, State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia (traveling exhibition)
Alexander Kosolapov, Ruth Siegel Gallery, New York, NY (solo)
Belkin, Chuikov, Kosolapov, Galerie Eva Poll, Berlin, Germany
Art=Money?, The Gallery, New York, NY
Art et Publicite, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France; Du Sezon Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Schizo-China: Hallucination at at the helm (exhibition at Avant-garde Artists' Club), VDNH Construction pavilion at Frunzenskaya Embankment, Moscow, Russia
Transit: Russian Artists Between the East and West, Fine Arts Museum of Long Island, Hempstead, NY; Central Artists' House, Moscow, Russia; State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
D&D, Kunstverein, Hamburg, FRG
Reagan: American Icon, Bucknell University, Luisburg, PA
Wirklichkeit als Konzept II, Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne, Germany
Hommage-Demontage, Neue Galerie - Ludwig Collection, Aachen, Germany; Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany (traveling exhibition)
Alexander Kosolapov, Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne, Germany (solo)
A Retrospective of Creative Effort of Moscow Artists: 1957-1987, Hermitage Association, Exhibition Hall at 100 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, Russia
Alexander Kosolapov, Galerie Anna Friebe, Cologne, Germany (solo)
Sots Art, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY; Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Canada
Alexander Kosolapov, Semaphore Gallery, New York, NY (solo)
Sots Art, Semaphore Gallery, New York, NY
Les Russes au present, Le centre culturel de la Villedieu, Elancourt, France
Come Yesterday and You'll Be First, City Without Walls Gallery, New-Ark; Contemporary Russian Art Center of America, Jersey City, NJ
Nouvelles Tendences de l'Art Russe Non-Officiel: 1970-1980, Centre Culturel de la Villedieu, Elancourt, France
Russian New Wave, Contemporary Russian Art Center, New York, NY
New Art from the Soviet Union, Pratt Institute Gallery, Columbia; Montgomery Hall, St. Mary College, St. Mary's City, MD
Die totale Aufklärung - Moskauer Konzeptkunst, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany (solo)
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Public Collections
Museum Moderner Kunst, Stiftung Worlen, Passau
New York Public Library, New York
Albertina, Wien
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
National Jewish Museum, B’nay B’rith Klauthznik, Washington
Museum of art, The Duke University, N.C.
Wihlhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen
The State-Zarizin Museum, Moscow
Zimmerly Art Museum, Rutgers, New Jersey
Art Museum University of South Florida, Tampa
Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Slovenia
Museum Of Modern Art, MOMA, New York
The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
Kupferstift Kabinet, Berlin, Germany
The State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
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