Beat Zoderer

(Swiss, born 1955)

trapezium no. 5 by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Trapezium No. 5, 2021

Price on Request

zack no. 1 by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Zack No. 1, 2020

Price on Request

four-zack no. 11 by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Four-Zack No. 11, 2021

Price on Request

monochromes schnittstück by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Monochromes Schnittstück, 2003

Price on Request

raster no. 1 by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Raster No. 1, 1995

Price on Request

four zack no. 5 by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Four Zack No. 5, 2020

Price on Request

verschachtelung by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Verschachtelung, 1998

Price on Request

tektur no. 2 by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Tektur No. 2, 2022

Price on Request

komposition mit keilen no. 1 by beat zoderer

Beat Zoderer

Komposition mit Keilen No. 1, 2020

Price on Request



Born in Zurich, Switzerland
Beat Zoderer predominantly uses everyday materials as a basis for his work. The artist sources his materials from general hardware stores. Rather than altering them, Zoderer makes use of these materials within what at first appears to be methodical structures based on repetition or mathematical systems. However this is a deception, as each piece allows for an arbitrary element.
During the largely spontaneous process of creating works, Beat Zoderer is guided by an attempt to create order in chaos. To facilitate this he sometimes draws on the formal language of historic works of geometric abstraction. The complexity of each piece consciously allows for imperfections and mistakes. It is this self-contradicting and ambiguous quality of the works that gives them the playfulness that probably best characterizes the artist and his work.
Lives and works in Wettingen


die Sammlung,Sammlung Essel,Klosterneuburg, Vienna
Industrie, Atelier 340 Muzeum, Brussels
Galerie Mark Müller, Zurich (solo)
Gallery Tirthyseven, Sydney (solo)
Galerie von Bartha (solo)
Ein Wandbehang No.1/06, Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingoldstadt (solo)
von Hirschen und Röhren, Eine klingende Installation mit Karlheinz Essl, Vienna (solo)
Nidwalder Museum, Salzmagazin, Stans (solo)
Bilanz, Galerie DIN A4, Munich
Nicolas von Bartha Gallery, London (solo)