Ernst Caramelle

(Austrian, born 1952)

computer by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

computer, 2001–2008

Price on Request

untitled by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

Untitled, 1998

Price on Request

site (with ghost) by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

SITE (with ghost), 2017

Price on Request

extension by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

extension, 1989

Price on Request

plan w by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

Plan W, 2011

Price on Request

zeit + raum by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

Zeit + Raum, 2012

Price on Request

untitled by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

Untitled, 2017

Price on Request

ohne titel  by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

Ohne Titel , 2020

Price on Request

o.m. (overpainted) by ernst caramelle

Ernst Caramelle

O.M. (overpainted), 2019

Contact Gallery



Born in Hall, Tirol / Austria
1994 - 2018
Professor at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe
2012 - 2018
Rector of the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe
Lives and works in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Karlsruhe, Germany and New York, New York


M ALLER D/F OHNE B, Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna, Austria (solo)
Ways of Seeing Abstraction, PalaisPopulaire, Berlin, Germany
Espace libéré, Hommage à Sybil Albers, Espace de l’Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux, France
HUMAN THEATER, Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna, Austria
Wände/Walls, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany (bis 2021)
Mai 36 Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
visual semiotics, Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt, Germany
Just So Stories 1978 I 2018, Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna, Austria
Something else, Generali Foundation Studuenzentrum, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, Austria
Vergessen. Fragmente der Erinnerung, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, Austria


Ein Résumé, Museum moderner Kunst Siftung Ludwig, Vienna, Austria, with texts by Sabine Folie, Beate Söntgen and Ulrich Loock
Very angenehme Konzeptkunst, 17 Postcards, Marta Herford, Herford, Germany
Ernst Caramelle, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Ernst Caramelle, Ohne Titel / Untitled, Permanent Painting Vienna Art Passage Karlsplatz, Vienna, Austria
Ernst Caramelle, Zeichnungen, Rabalderhaus Schwaz, Austria
Ernst Caramelle, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus Ohio
Ernst Caramelle at Lawrence Markey 1993-2009, Lawrence Markey, San Antonio, Texas
toda a matéria impressa / all the printed matter / toute l’oeuvre imprimée / alle drucksachen 1974 – 2004, Fundação de Serralves, Porto, Portugal
ex.Position,Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck
Le Tableau Contemporain, Musèe d’Art Moderne, Strasbourg