Invitation to a Banquet

Invitation to a Banquet

Reisingerstraße 6 Rgb Munich, 80337, Germany Wednesday, April 17, 2024–Thursday, May 23, 2024

trees scroll by zena assi

Zena Assi

Trees Scroll, 2023

Price on Request

trees scrolls by zena assi

Zena Assi

Trees Scrolls

Price on Request

a piece of one’s own 2  by zena assi

Zena Assi

A Piece of One’s Own 2 , 2023

Price on Request

riding tanks by zena assi

Zena Assi

Riding Tanks, 2024

Price on Request

alfasad i7tilal by zena assi

Zena Assi

Alfasad I7tilal, 2024

Price on Request

‘’The marvellous is the only guarantee that the reality of life can be stopped’’.


It’s the idea that the supernatural breaks through to help you endure the

experiences of life, the limits of the mundane. Imagination is often used as

a tool to escape, and creating magical worlds offers a breakout from the

limitations of everyday rationality and social convention.

This new body of works dwells on how folk stories, mythology, religious

beliefs, legends as well as superstitious tales tend to feed into one another.

It reawakens a sense of the world around us as enchanted, a place of

wonder filled with creatures of supernatural powers that co-exist with the

human world. From the enchanted forest that holds uncanny stories to

the watching eye of unseen goddesses and gargoyles, I wanted to create

my version of a realm, filled with mysteries. These are rooted in traditions

and cultural heritage where the ordinary encounters the supernatural, and

where the social construct of identities uncover their undeniable link to

myths and stories from ancient times.

While some works revisit the power of storytelling, others can invert, and

critique a given reality. Like an architect of the strange, the collection flirts

with the edges of the known civilized world as well as the wild, unconscious

workings of the human psyche. It revisits how recurring themes such as

enchantments, transformations, wishes, and supernatural, mirror society’s

belief system.

Presenting paintings of enchanted forests as scrolls held by fertility

goddesses, ceramic sculptures of gargoyles and therianthropes, an

animation experimental movie, and the installation of a banquet table

hanging on the wall, the collection oscillates between the human and the

otherworldly, the cycle of life and death, the protective and the beastly. It

uncovers the subtle links and influences between different civilizations,

converging into these shape-lifting narratives that are endlessly reworkable,

keeping an ongoing dialogue with the past. They form a banquet that

thrives within traditions of retellings and narratives that cross time, place,

and culture in the eternal human search for identity and origins.

Zena Assi