Sturtevant: Dialectic of Distance. Sturtevant Oldenburg Store

Sturtevant: Dialectic of Distance. Sturtevant Oldenburg Store

7 rue Debelleyme Paris, 75003, France Tuesday, April 26, 2022–Saturday, June 11, 2022

Fifty-five years to the day after its 1967 opening, Strurtevant: Dialectic of Distance retraces the exhibition of American artist Sturtevant (1924–2014) in which she recreated The Store (1961) by Claes Oldenburg. Known for her disconcerting replicas of the works of her contemporaries, Sturtevant's practice challenges the prevailing discourse around originality and authenticity in art through a pioneering conceptual approach. The fourteen plaster objects on display at Thaddaeus Ropac Paris Marais were made by Sturtevant in the 1960s, based on those that Oldenburg had offered for sale in a Manhattan shop he rented for the occasion. Alongside them, a video work will show Sturtevant re-enacting Paul McCarthy's film Painter (1995), in which the artist parodies an Abstract Expressionist painter.