Mirabellplatz 2 Salzburg, 5020, Austria Saturday, November 21, 2015–Saturday, January 9, 2016 Opening Reception: Saturday, November 21, 2015, Noon–2 p.m.

Opening : Saturday, 21 November 2015, 12 - 2 pm
The project LEUCHTSCHRIFT zur Erhellung von Flüchtlingswegen in einem finsteren Europa [Luminous writing: For a brighter outlook along the refugee routes in the darkness of Europe] stemmed from a concept by Austrian writer Christoph Ransmayr. Artists in various media, living and working in Austria – including writers, actors, painters, sculptors, musicians and singers – were invited to contribute statements on the current refugee crisis. These comments will be written on the walls of the Mirabellplatz gallery, and made to glow through the use of black light.
"With their luminous writing, the artists [...] do not seek to dictate where or how one person should help another – rather they wish to join with the stout-hearted helpers in public space, so that at least along the escape routes, unlike in the obfuscated parliaments, the outlook will once more become brighter." In Christoph Ransmayr's manifesto for the project, in which he notably points at the link between colonialisation and the current stream of refugees, he encourages people to think about and question what is happening today.