Yan Pei-Ming: Dating

Yan Pei-Ming: Dating

7 rue Debelleyme Paris, 75003, France Friday, March 2, 2018–Saturday, April 21, 2018 Opening Reception: Friday, March 2, 2018, 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac Paris is pleased to present Dating, a new exhibition by Yan Pei-Ming. For this new exhibition Yan Pei-Ming audaciously brings together new oil paintings of popes, female nudes and erotic scenes, along with a series of gouaches.

Yan Pei-Ming has long been fascinated by pope portraiture, and its role in the representation of power and authority. In the exhibition space the portraits of popes will converse with paintings of a completely divergent genre: female nudes and erotic scenes. As referred by the exhibition title, this is a date between power, women and painting. By pairing works that are usually incompatible, the exhibition reflects on how image hierarchies have been abolished in our current information age, as we can so easily switch from a news image of a catastrophe, to a sexually charged advertisement or a more everyday image. Rather than creating a specific narrative, the exhibition seeks to represent the heterogeneity of our visual landscape.

The subtle gradations from red to blue allow for a sensorial and emotional impact as if Yan Pei-Ming was capturing the transition from cold to hot. The use of blue is preponderant in the exhibition and brings to mind Picasso’s famous blue period.