Enrique Martínez Celaya, Käthe Kollwitz: Von den ersten und den letzten Dingen

Enrique Martínez Celaya, Käthe Kollwitz: Von den ersten und den letzten Dingen

Potsdamer Strasse 83 Berlin, 10785, Germany Saturday, February 6, 2021–Saturday, April 10, 2021

the marker (k.k.) by enrique martínez celaya

Enrique Martínez Celaya

The Marker (K.K.), 2016

Price on Request

the puppet by enrique martínez celaya

Enrique Martínez Celaya

The Puppet, 2020

Price on Request

kiss of air by enrique martínez celaya

Enrique Martínez Celaya

Kiss of Air, 2020

Not Available

the child’s song by enrique martínez celaya

Enrique Martínez Celaya

The Child’s Song, 2020


“Looking at Käthe Kollwitz‘ work makes me feel less alone. She knew about the con­sequences of what it means to be human.”
Enrique Martínez Celaya 

Enrique Martínez Celaya (*1964) was just a teenager when he first dis­cov­ered Ger­man cul­ture. It may seem surpris­ing that an artist born in Cuba, who grew up in Spain and Puerto Rico and entirely out­side the realm of Ger­man influ­ence, is to this day so fas­cinated by the “Land of Poets and Think­ers.” Whereas most people would rate Niet­zsche, Brecht and Hegel as heavy duty, this young Latino ravenously devoured the work of Ger­man writ­ers and philoso­phers, and in so doing he stumbled across Käthe Kollwitz (1867—1945). The most famous female Ger­man artist of all, whose work is sit­u­ated between Real­ism and Expres­sion­ism, became an elec­tive affin­ity and an inspi­ra­tion for his own “being an artist in this world.” For some years now, his older col­league (or at least one of her self-por­traits, which now hangs in his stu­dio) has looked over his shoul­der as he works.

Martínez Celaya shares this pas­sion for Kollwitz with Gudrun and Mar­tin Fritsch, who have promoted her oeuvre in two ways. The Berlin-based husband-and-wife team have not only built a sig­nif­icant col­lec­tion of her art but were also man­ag­ing the affairs of the pri­vate Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum in Berlin for many years.

The Fritsch Col­lec­tion served Martínez Celaya as a springboard for a cycle con­sist­ing of nine paint­ings, two works on paper, and a sculp­ture. Most of these works are adapta­tions of priv­otal draw­ings by Kollwitz that tes­tify to her profound human­ism and her desire to have a social impact. In times marked by a global pan­demic and refugee cri­sis, Martínez Celaya brings her human­itar­ian mes­sage into the pre­sent with a new intensity. The result is a homage in a dou­ble sense: to the artist who played such a deci­sive part in his own artis­tic forma­tion and to the two col­lectors who have made such a sig­nif­icant con­tri­bu­tion to the knowl­edge and appre­cia­tion of her work.