Leandro Erlich

(Argentine, born 1973)

ala (fontana di trevi) by leandro erlich

Leandro Erlich

Ala (Fontana di Trevi), 2020

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anfora (teatro marcello) by leandro erlich

Leandro Erlich

Anfora (Teatro Marcello), 2020

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condor (termini) by leandro erlich

Leandro Erlich

Condor (Termini), 2020

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campana (gasometro) by leandro erlich

Leandro Erlich

Campana (Gasometro), 2020

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lupa (laghetto di villa borghese) by leandro erlich

Leandro Erlich

Lupa (Laghetto di Villa Borghese), 2020

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soprattutto by leandro erlich

Leandro Erlich

Soprattutto, 2020

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the cloud (france) by leandro erlich

Leandro Erlich

The Cloud (France), 2016

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champignon collection de nuages by leandro erlich

Leandro Erlich

Champignon Collection de Nuages, 2018

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Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1973
Lives and works in Buenos Aires and Paris
Nomination, ArtesMundi Prize, Wales, 2006
Nomination, Prix Marcel Duchamp, Paris, France, 2006
Residence, Centre Internacional d’ Accueil et d’ Echanges des Recolletts, Paris, France, 2004
Artist Residency, Cite International des Arts, Paris, France, 2002
Joan Mitchell Foundation Award, 2001
Unesco Prize, Istanbul Biennial, 2001
Premio Leonardo Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2000


Two Different Tomorrows, Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, New York (solo)
Galleria Continua, Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel, France (solo)
In Perceptions, Espace 104, Paris, France
Mudam Collection, Mudam Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Jardin Perdido/Lost Garden, Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California (solo)
Luciana Brito Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil (solo)
Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain (solo)
Fundación PROA, Bs. As., Argentina
Chanel Mobile Art, Hong Kong, China
Changing Rooms, Galeriacontinua, San Gimignano, Italy (solo)


“Leandro Erlich”, Milan: Museo de Arte Contemporanea, Roma (MACRO), 2006
Erlich, Leandro. Turismo, New York: Kent Gallery, 2001
Hasegawa, Yuko. Leandro Erlich: Urban Creation, 3rd Shanghai Biennial, (catalogue)
Noorthoorn, Victoria. Leandro Erlich, Buenos Aires: Galeria Ruth Benzacar, 2000
Rizzo, Patricia “Leandro Erlich” ARCO 99, Madrid: Fondo Nacional de las Artes, (catalogue)